中国铸造协会批准发布两项自愿性太阳城 ,其太阳城 名称和太阳城 编号如下:
China Foundry Association approved and published two voluntarystandards,
and the standard name and standard number is as follows:
《钢铁材料冲击腐蚀磨料磨损试验方法》 T/CFA 010604.05 -- 2017
《Test method on impact corrosion-abrasion of steel and iron materials》
《铸造用钒钛生铁》 T/CFA 0202050201.02 --2017
《Pig iron containing vanadium and titanium in foundry》
以上太阳城 于 2017 年 6 月 30 日起施行。
Above criteria on June 30, 2017 into effect.
To be announced.
China Foundry Association
2017 年4 月6 日
April 6, 2017