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船舶工程专业英语 第2版 黄德波主编 2017年版

  • 大小:112.77 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:船舶书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-04-10
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关键词:船舶   英语   专业   黄德波主编   2017
船舶工程专业英语 第2版
PREFACE:Introduction to Naval Architecture
Chapter 1 Ship Design
Lesson 1 Introduction
Lesson 2 Ships Categorized
Lesson 3 Definitions, Principal Dimensions
Lesson 4 Basic Geometric Concepts
Lesson 5 Ship Form and Form Coefficients
Lesson 6 Classification Societies
Chapter 2 Ship Rudiments
Lesson 7 Equilibrium and Stability
Lesson 8 Resistance
Lesson 9 Propellers and Propulsion Systems
Lesson 10 Maneuverability, Motions and Estimating Power Requirement
Lesson 11 Model Testing
Chapter 3 Ship Structure
Lesson 12 The function of Ship Structural Components
Lesson 13 Relation of Structure to Molded Lines
Lesson 14 Ship Strength
Lesson 15 Ship Structural Stresses and Strength Curves
Lesson 16 Structural Integrity
Chapter 4 Ship Production
Lesson 17 The Shipbuilding Process
Lesson 18 Planning and Scheduling
Lesson 19 Shipyard Facilities
Lesson 20 Ship CAD/CAM
Lesson 21 Group Technology
Chapter 5 Shipbuilding Economy
Lesson 22 Worldwide Shipbuilding Industry
Lesson 23 Shipbuilding Costing and Contract Arrangements
Lesson 24 General Aspects of Contracts
A-Z New Words and Terminologies
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