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  • 大小:100.49 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:电子信息
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
作 者: (美)拉扎维 著,王志华 注释
出版时间: 2013
About the Author
1 Introduction to Analog Design
1.1 Why Analog?
1.2 Why Integrated?
1.3 Why CMOS?
1.4 Why This Book?
1.5 General Concepts
1.5.1 Levels of Abstraction
1.5.2 Robust Analog Design
2 Basic MOS Device Physics
2.1 General Considerations
2.1.1 MOSFET as a Switch
2.1.2 MOSFET Structure
2.1.3 MOS Symbols
2.2 MOS I/V Characteristics
2.2.1 Threshold Voltage
2.2.2 Derivation of I/V Characteristics
2.3 Second-Order Effects
2.4 MOS Device Models
2.4.1 MOS Device Layout
2.4.2 MOS Device Capacitances
2.4.3 MOS Small-Signal Model
2.4.4 MOS SPICE models
2.4.5 NMOS versus PMOS Devices
2.4.6 Long-Channel versus Short-Channel Devices
3 Single-Stage Amplifiers
3.1 Basic Concepts
3.2 Common-Source Stage
3.2.1 Common-Source Stage with Resistive Load
3.2.2 CS Stage with Diode-Connected Load
3.2.3 CS Stage with Current-Source Load
3.2.4 CS Stage with Triode Load
3.2.5 CS Stage with Source Degeneration
3.3 Source Follower
3.4 Common-Gate Stage
3.5 Cascode Stage
3.5.1 Folded Cascode
3.6 Choice of Device Models
4 Differential Amplifiers
4.1 Single-Ended and Differential Operation
4.2 Basic Differential Pair
4.2.1 Qualitative Analysis
4.2.2 Quantitative Analysis
4.3 Common-Mode Response
4.4 Differential Pair with MOS Loads
4.5 Gilbert Cell
5 Passive and Active Current Mirrors
5.1 Basic Current Mirrors
5.2 Cascode Current Mirrors
5.3 Active Current Mirrors
5.3.1 Large-Signal Analysis
5.3.2 Small-Signal Analysis
5.3.3 Common-Mode Properties
6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers
6.1 General Considerations
6.1.1 Miller Effect
6.1.2 Association of Poles with Nodes
6.2 Common-Source Stage
6.3 Source Followers
6.4 Common-Gate Stage
6.5 Cascode Stage
6.6 Differential Pair
Appendix A: Dual of Miller's Theorem
7 Noise
8 Feedback
9 Operational Amplifiers
10 Stability and Frequency Compensation
11 Bandgap References
12 Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits
13 Nonlinearity and Mismatch
14 Oscillators
15 Phase-Locked Loops
16 Short-Channel Effects and Device Models
17 CMOS Processing Technology
18 Layout and Packaging
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