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半导体纳米结构(英文 影印版)

  • 大小:80.72 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:电子信息
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关键词:影印   半导体   纳米   主编   结构
半导体纳米结构(英文 影印版)
作者:(德)宾贝格 主编
Preface List of Contributors 1 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Quantum Dot Growth Vitaly Shchukin, Eckehard Schdll and Peter Kratzer 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Length and Time Scales 1.1.2 Multiscale Approach to the Modeling of Nanostructures 1.2 Atomistic Aspects of Growth 1.2.1 Diffusion of Ga Atoms on GaAs(001) 1.2.2 Energetics of As2 Incorporation During Growth 1.2.3 Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of GaAs Homoepitaxy 1.2.4 Wetting Layer Evolution 1.3 Size and Shapes of Individual Quantum Dots 1.3.1 Hybrid Approach to Calculation of the Equilibrium Shape of Individual Quantum Dots 1.3.2 Role of High-Index Facets in the Shape of Quantum Dots 1.3.3 Shape Transition During Quantum Dot Growth 1.3.4 Constraint Equilibrium of Quantum Dots with a Wetting Layer .. 1.4 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Quantum Dot Ensembles 1.4.1 Equilibrium Volume of Strained Islands versus Ostwald Ripening 1.4.2 Crossover from Kinetically Controlled to Thermodynamically Controlled Growth of Quantum Dots 1.4.3 Tunable Metastability of Quantum Dot Arrays 1.4.4 Evolution Mechanisms in Dense Arrays of Elastically Interacting Quantum Dots  ……
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