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2011年中国显示 亚洲显示会议论文集

  • 大小:220.34 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:电子信息
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:年中   主编   亚洲   显示   论文集
2011年中国显示 亚洲显示会议论文集
出版时间: 2011年版
  We welcome you all for participating in China Display/AsiaDisplay 2011,to be held in Kunshan, China. Asia Display is one ofthe three premier display research conferences that rotates amongthe countries in Asia. The other two are Eurodisplay andInternational Display Research Conference (IDRC) which rotatesamong the countries in the Americas. This year Asia Display issignificant in that it is colisted with China Display for the firsttime. It is a momentus event of great importance because of theworld's attention on the migration of display manufacturing toChina. A proliferation of LCD manufacturing plants in China isexpected and the entire world is keenly watching the development asit unfolds.
Plenary Talk 1
Plenary Talk 2
Session 1 TFT-LCD 1
Session 2 TFT-LCD 2
Session 3 TFT-LCD 3
Session 4 E-Paper
Session 5 HMD
Session 6 3D
Session 7 OLED 1
Session 8 OLED 2
Session 9 Laser Display
Session 10 PDP 1
Session 11 PDP 2
Session 12 Others 1
Session 13 Others 2
Poster 1
Poster 2
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