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冶金工程专业英语 炼钢篇 孙立根 主编 2017年版

  • 大小:130.17 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:钢铁冶金
  • 更新日期:2024-04-18
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关键词:炼钢   冶金   英语   专业
冶金工程专业英语 炼钢篇
作者: 孙立根 主编
出版时间: 2017年版
1 Historical Development of Modern Steelmaking
1.1 Bottom-Blown Acid or Bessemer Process
1.2 Basic Bessemer or Thomas Process
1.3 Open Hearth Process
1.4 OxygenSteelmaking
1.5 Electric Furnace Steelmaking
2 Fundamentals of Iron and Steelmaking
2.1 Fundamentals of Steelmaking Reactions
2.1.1 Slag-MetalEquilibriumin Steelmaking
2.1.2 State of Reactions in Steelmaking
2.2 Fundamentals of Reactions in Electric Fumace Steelmaking
2.2.1 Slag Chenustry and the Carbon, Manganese, Sulfur and Phosphorus Reactions in the EAF
2.2.2 Control of Residuals in EAF Steelmaking
2.2.3 Nitrogen Controlin EAF Steelmaking
2.3 Fundamentals of Stainless Steel Production
2.3.1 Decarburization of Stainless Steel
2.3.2 Nitrogen Control in the AOD
2.3.3 Reduction of Cr from Slag
2.4 Fundamentals of Ladle Metallurgical Reactions
2.4.1Deoxidation Equilibrium and Kinetics
2.4.2 Ladle Desulfurization
2.4.3 Calcium Treatment of Steel
2.5 Fundamentals of Degassing
2.5.1 Fundamental Thermodynamics
2.5.2 Vacuum Degassing Kinetics
3 Pre-treatment of Hot Metal
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Desiliconization and Dephosphorization Technologies
3.3 Desulfurization Technology
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Process Chemistry
3.3.3 Transport Systems
3.3.4 Process Venue
3.3.5 Slag Management
3.3.6 Lance Systems
3.3.7 CycleTime
3.3.8 Hot Metal Sampling and Analysis
3.3.9 Reagent Consumption
3.3.10 Econonucs
3.3.11 Process Control
3.4 HotMetalThermalAdjustment
4 Oxygen Steelmaking Processes
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Process Description and Events
4.1.2 Types of Oxygen Steelmaking Processes
4.1.3 Environmentallssues
4.2 Sequence of Operations-Top Blown
4.2.1 Plant Layout
4.2.2 Sequence ofOperations
4.2.3 Shop Manning
4.3 Raw Materials
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2Hot Metal
4.3.3 Scrap
4.3.4 High Metallic Altemative Feeds
4.3.5 OxideAdditions
4.3.6 Fluxes
4.3.7 Oxygen
4.4 Process Reactions and Energy Balance
4.4.1Reactions in BOF Steelmaking
4.4.2 Slag Formation in BOF Steelmaking
4.4.3 Mass and Energy Balances
4.4.4 Tapping Practices and Ladle Additions
4.5 Process Variations
5 Electric Furnace Steelma
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