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航空燃气轮机涡轮气体动力学 流动机理及气动设计 英文版 邹正平,王松涛,刘火星,张伟昊著 2018年版

  • 大小:121.7 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:航空航天书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-03-26
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关键词:气动   燃气   气体
航空燃气轮机涡轮气体动力学 流动机理及气动设计 英文版
作者: 邹正平,王松涛,刘火星,张伟昊著


Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts
1.1 Introduction to Gas Turbines
1.2 Primary Geometrical Parameters
1.3 Fundamental Equations of Turbine Aerothermodynamics
1.3.1 Continuity Equation
1.3.2 Energy Equation
1.3.3 Moment of Momentum Equation
1.4 Velocity Triangles of Conventional Axial Turbine Stages
1.5 Boundary Layer on Blade Surface
1.5.1 Boundary Layer Thickness
1.5.2 Boundary Layer Transition
1.5.3 Boundary Layer Separation
1.6 Wakes
1.7 Secondary Flows
1.8 Tip Leakage Flow
1.9 Potential Field
1.10 Shock Waves and Expansion Waves
1.11 Flow Mixing in Turbines
1.12 Blade Loading
1.13 Loss and Efficiency
1.13.1 Loss and Efficiency of Turbine Cascades
1.13.2 Efficiency of Uncooled Turbine
1.13.3 Efficiency of Cooled Turbine

Chapter 2 Flow Mechanism in High Pressure Turbines
2.1 Introduction to High Pressure Turbines
2. 1.1 Structure and Characteristics of High Pressure Turbines
2.1.2 Development Status and Trends of High Pressure Turbines
2. 1.3 Factors on Efficiency of High Pressure Turbines
2. 1.4 Further Development of High Pressure Turbines and New
Features of Aerodynamic Research
2.2 Aerodynamic and Geometrical Features of High Pressure Turbines
2.2.1 Aerodynamic Design Features of High Pressure Turbines
2.2.2 Blade Profile Features of High Pressure Turbines
2. 3 Complex Wave System in High-Loaded High-Pressure Turbines
2.3.1 Wave Systems in High Pressure Turbines
2.3.2 Interaction between Shock Waves and Boundary Layer
2.4 Secondary Flow of High Pressure Turbines and Control Techniques
2.4. 1 Secondary Flow in High Pressure Turbines
2.4. 2 Factors of Influencing Secondary Flows in High Pressure Turbines
2.5 Leakage Flows of High Pressure Turbines and Control Techniques
2.5.1 Geometrical and Aerodynamic Parameters on Tip Leakage
Flows in High Pressure Turbines
2.5.2 Active Clearance Controls
2.6 Influence of Interaction between Cooling Flow and the Main Flow on
Aerodynamic Performance
2.6.1 Influence of Film Cooling on Aerodynamic Performance
2.6. 2 Influence of Endwalls and Sealing Flow on Aerodynamic Performance

Chapter 3 Flow Mechanism in Inter Turbine Ducts
3.1 Geometrical and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Inter-turbine Duct and Development Trends

Chapter 4 Flow Mechanisms in Low-Pressure Turbines
Chapter 5 Flow Mechanism in Turbine Rear Frame Ducts
Chapter 6 Aerodynamic Design Technologies for Turbines
Chapter 7 Flow Control Technologies
Chapter 8 Multidisciplinary Coupling Analysis and Design
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