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  • 大小:16.03 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:环境工程
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关键词:烟气   臭氧   协同   英文   原理
1 Development of Pollution Control Technology During Coal Combustion
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Existing Air Pollution Control Technologies
1.2.1 Desulfurization Technology
1.2.2 Denitrification Technology
1.2.3 Hg Removal Technology
1.2.4 VOCs Control Technology
1.3 Simultaneous Multi-Pollutants Removal Technology
1.3.1 In-Furnace Multi-Pollutants Emission Control Technology
1.3.2 Flue Gas Multi-Pollutants Emission Control Technology
2 Principle of Multi-Pollutants Removal Technology in Flue Gas by Ozone
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Ozone Characteristics
2.3 Ozone Generation Methods
2.3.1 Electrode Type
2.3.2 Feed Gas
2.3.3 Dielectric Material
2.3.4 Mixed Discharges
2.3.5 Pulsed Discharge
2.4 Summary
3 Chemical Kinetics and Oxidation Mechanisms Between O3 and
3.1 Introduction on Kinetics Modelling
3.2 Kinetic Modelling Results
3.2.1 Kinetic Modelling Between 03 and NO
3.2.2 Kinetic Modelling Between 03 and Hg
3.3 Oxidation Experimental Results
3.3.1 Experimental Setup
3.3.2 Oxidation Mechanism Between 03 and NO
3.3 3 Oxidation Mechanism Between 03 and SO2
3.3 4 Oxidation Mechanism Between 03 and Hg
3.3.5 Oxidation Mechanism Between 03 and CO
3.4 Competitive Reaction Mechanism Between Different Pollutants
3.4.1 Reaction Competition Between NO and SO2 with Ozone
3.4.2 Reaction Competition Between NO and Hg0 with Ozone
3.5 Summary
4 Simultaneous Multi-Pollutants Removal with Ozone and Wet Scrubber
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Section
4.3 Effect ofpH Value on NO2 Removal
4.4 Effect of Tetravalent-S Components on NO2 Removal
4.4.1 Effect of the Sole SO32-
4.4.2 Effect ofpH with the Existence of Tetravalent-S Components
4.4.3 Effect of the Initial NO2 Concentration
4.5 Simultaneous Removal of SO2 and NO2
4.5.1 Effect of SO2 on NO2 Removal
4.5.2 Effect of NO2 on SO2 Removal
4.6 NOr Wet Removal with Excess Ozone Oxidization
4.7 Simultaneous Desulfurization and Denitrification Scheme Incorporated with
Ozone Oxidization and Dual-Tower Scrubbing
4.8 Summary
5 Application and Economic Analysis of the Multi-Pollutants Removal
Technology Incorporated with Ozone Oxidization and Alkali Solution
5.1 Application Scheme of O3 and FGD
5.2 Economic Analysis of the Ozone Generation Technology
5.3 Economic Analysis of the 03 and FGD System
5.4 Summary
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