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环境保护专业英语 2013年版

  • 大小:51.78 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:环境工程
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:主编   英语   专业   环境保护   谢雯
  《环境保护专业英语》包含8个模块,29个章节。其中21章为专业性英语阅读,每章都分为Text A和Text B两部分。Text A为专业性较强的英语阅读,旨在培养学生的专业阅读能力。本部分可以在教师的讲解和辅导下进行学习。Text B为辅助阅读文章,旨在拓宽学生有关环境英语的专业知识,可以作为阅读理解的练习。另外还有8个章节是科技英语翻译技巧,先后安排在每一个模块的最后一部分。这8个章节的目的在于培养学生实际应用专业英语的能力。Module l的Chapter 1,Module 5的Chapter 1—3,Module 7的Chapter 1—3以及Module 8的Chapter 1由刘晓毅负责,其余由谢雯负责,最后由谢雯统稿。
Module 1 Environment and Environmental Issues
Chapter 1 Text A Environment and Environmental Science
Text B Global Environmental Problems
Chapter 2 Translation Skills科技英语的构词方法
Module 2 Air Pollution andControl Technology
Chapter 1 Text A Air Pollution
Text B Air Pollution Sources
Chapter 2 Text A Acid Rain
Text B Ozone Depletion
Chapter 3 Text A Indoor Air Pollution
Text B Indoor Air QualityConcem
Chapter 4 Text A Air Quality Monitoring Methods
Text B Particle Pollution and Your Health
Chapter 5 Text A Technology of Air PollutionControl
Text B Flue gas Desulfurization
Chapter 6 Translation Skills科技英语翻译概述,词义的选择和引申
Module 3 Water Pollution and Wastewater Treatment Technology
Chapter 1 Text AClassification of Water Pollutants
Text B Water Pollution and Its Harm
Chapter 2 Text A Serf purification of Natural Water
Text B Biochemical Oxygen Demand&Dissolved Oxygen
Chapter 3 Text A Key Factors in Water Analysis
Text BCOD Monitoring
Chapter 4 Text A Water Treatment Process。
Text B Aerobic Treatment
Chapter 5 Translation Skills科技英语翻译中词量的增减
Module 4 Noise and NoiseControl
Chapter 1 Text A Noise Pollution Effects
Text B NoiseControl
Chapter 2 Translation Skills科技英语翻译中的词类转换
Module 5 The Disposal andComprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste
Chapter 1 Text A What is Solid Waste?
Text B What is Hazardous Waste?
Chapter 2 Text A Treatment and Disposal of Municipal Waste
Text B A LandfillConstruction
Chapter 3 Text A Recycling and Reuse
Text BCanteen orCatering Waste Reduction and Recycling
in Surrey。
Chapter 4 Translation Skills科技英语翻译中成分转译及成分分译
Module 6 Other Pollution andControl Technologies
Chapter 1 Text A Soil Pollution
Tlext B SoilConservation
Chapter 2 Text A Thermal Pollution
Text B Light Pollution
Chapter 3 Text A Hazards of Heavy MetalContamination
Text B New Methods ofCleaning Up Heavy Metal in Soil and Water
Chapter 4 Translation Skills被动语态的翻译
MOdule 7 Environmental Assessment
Chapter 1 Text A Process of Environmental Impact Assessment
Text B TheContent of Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Chapter 2 Text A Environmental Management Systems
Text B EMS under ISO 14001
Chapter 3 Text A Strategic Environmental Assessment(I)
Text B Strategic Environmental Assessment(II)
Chapter 4 Translation Skills定语从句的翻译
Module 8 Sustainable Development
Chapter l Text A Sustainable Development
Text BClean Production
Chapter 2 Translation Skills英语产品说明书的翻译
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