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网络科学与工程丛书 复杂网络引论:模型、结构与动力学 第2版 英文版 陈关荣,汪小帆,李翔 著 2015年版

  • 大小:148.42 MB
  • 语言:英文版
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  • 类别:管理书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-02-28
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关键词:引论   模型   英文   网络   复杂
网络科学与工程丛书 复杂网络引论:模型、结构与动力学 第2版 英文版
作者:陈关荣,汪小帆,李翔 著
出版时间: 2015年版
Part I Fundamental Theory
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation
1.2 A Brief History of Complex Network Research
1.2.1 The Konigsburg Seven-Bridge Problem
1.2.2 Random Graph Theory
1.2.3 Small-World Experiment
1.2.4 Strength of Weak Ties
1.2.5New Era of Complex-Network Studies
1.3 Some Basic Concepts
1.3.1 Graph Representation of Networks
1.3.2 Average Path Length
1.3.3 Clustering Coefficient
1.3.4 Degree and Degree Distribution
1.3.5 Statistical Properties of Some Real-World Complex Networks
Chapter 2A Brief Introduction to Graph Theory
2.1 What is a Graph?
2.2 Notation, Definitions and Preliminaries
2.3 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
2.3.1 Eulerian Graphs
2.3.2 Hamiltonian Graphs
2.4The Chinese Postman Problem
2.5 The Shortest Path Length Problem
2.6 Trees
2.7 The Minimum Connector Problem
2.8 Plane Graphs and Planar Graphs
2.9 Euler Formula for Plane Graphs
2.10 Directed Graphs
Chapter 3 Network Topologies: Basic Models and Properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Regular Networks
3.3 Random-Graph Networks
3.4 Small-World Network Models
3.4.1 The WS Small-World Network Model
3.4.2 The NW Small-World Network Model
3.4.3 Statistical Properties of Small-World Network Models
3.5 The Navigable Small-World Network Model
3.6 Scale-Free Network Models
3.6.1 The BA Scale-Free Network Model
3.6.2 Robustness versus Fragility
3.6.3 Modified BA Models
3.6.4 A Simple Model with Power-Law Degree Distribution
3.6.5 Local-World and Multi-Local-World Network Models
Part II Applications: Selected Topics
Chapter 4 Internet: Topology and Modeling
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Topological Properties of the Internet
4.2.1 Power-Law Node-Degree Distributions
4.2.2 Hierarchical Structures
4.2.3 Rich-Club Structure
4.2.4 Disassortative Property
4.2.5 Coreness and Betweenness
4.2.6 Growth of the Internet
4.2.7 Router-Levellnternet Topology
4.2.8 Geographic Layout of the Internet
4.3 Random-Graph Network Topology Generator
4.4 Structural Network Topology Generators
4.4.1 Tiers Topology Generator
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