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陈清泉院士论文选集 2 清洁智能能源和交通 电动汽车与可再生能源

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  • 语言:中文版
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  • 类别:汽车书籍
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关键词:清泉   选集   自强   智能   主编
陈清泉院士论文选集 2 清洁智能能源和交通 电动汽车与可再生能源
作者: 诸自强主编
诸自强主编的《清洁智能能源和交通--电动汽车与可再生能源(陈清泉院士论文选集)》介绍了,陈清泉,中国工程院院士、英国皇家工程院士、匈牙利工程院荣誉院士、乌克兰工程院院士、香港工程科学院院士暨高级顾问。英国洛夫堡大学荣誉技术博士、敖德萨理工大学荣誉科学博士。香港大学荣誉教授及原电机电子子工程系讲座教授及系主任。北京未来科学城陈清泉院士国际科创中心创始人。世界电动车协会创始主席。荣获世界工程师组织联盟杰出工程师勋章、英国皇家工程院菲利普亲王勋章、中国工程院光华工程奖、英国电机工程师学会国际演讲勋章、香港工程师学会最高荣誉金勋章等。《亚洲新闻》评为亚洲最佳创新者、期刊Global View誉为“亚洲电动车之父”、在印度获“电动汽车技术之祖”称号。他积累了50多年的教学、科研和工业经验,任国内外多所著名大学的名誉或客座教授,包括美国麻省理工学院、美国加州伯克利大学、英国剑桥大学等,任政府顾问,国内外著名企业科技战略顾问或独立董事。主要研究领域为新能源汽车和智慧能源系统。著有四百五十多篇学术论文,十七本专著,十项专利。
第一部分 能源与信息Part I.Energy and Information
Intelligent Energy Ecosystem Based on Carbon Neutrality C.C Chan.Ding Zhang.GeorgeYou Zhou
Energy Electronics:A New Perspective for Development of Energy Interact
C.C.Chan,George You Zhou,Mu Shun.Zhang Ding
Energy andInformationCorrelation:Towards Sustainable Energy CC.Chan.FC Chan andDanTu
第二部分 电动汽车Part IL Electric Vehicles
The State oftheArt ofElectric.Hybrid.andFuelCellVehicles CC Chan
Emerging Energy—Efficient Technologies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles K T Chau and C.C.Chan
Electric,Hybrid,and Fuel—Cell Vehicles:Architectures and Modeling C C.Chan,Alain.Bouscayrol,and Kcyu.Chen
Overview of Permanent-Magnet Brushless Drives for Electric and Hybrid Electric
Vehicles K.T Chau,C.C.Chan and Chunhua.Liu
Quantitative Comparison of Electromagnetic Performance of Electrical Machines for HEVs/EVs z Q Zhu.W Q.Chu.and Y Guan
Relaxation Model of the Open-Circuit Voltage for State-of-Charge Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Lei.Pei,Rengui.
Lu.and Chunbo.Zhu
Improved Study of Temperature Dependence Equivalent Circuit Model for Supercapacitors
K.Liu,C.Zhu,R.Lu,and C.C Chan
Analysis of Critical Inductance and Capacitor Voltage Ripple for a Bidirectional Z-Source
Inverter S Dong,Q.Zhang and S Cheng
Global Modeling and Control Strategy Simulation Y Cheng,K.Chen,C.C.Chan,A.Bouscayrol,and S Cui
Smart Charging ofElectric Vehicles-Integration ofEnergy and Information C.C.Chan,Linni Jian,and Dan Tu
Integrated Energy Management of Plug·In Electric Vehicles in Power Grid with
Renewables S Gao,K.T Chau,C.Liu.D Wu.andCC Chan
A Scenario ofVehicle—-to--Grid implementation and Its Double--Layer Optimal Charging Strategy for Minimizing
Load VariancewithinRegional SmartGrids L.Jian,XinyuZhu,Ziyun Shao,ShuangxiaNiu,C.C.Chan
Optimal Scheduling for Vehicle—to—Grid Operation with Stochastic Connection of Plug-In Electric
Vehicles to Smart Grid L Jian.Y.C.Zheng.X P Xiao and C.C Chan
AnalysisMethod andUtilizationMechanism oftheOverallValue ofEVCharging C.Guo,andC.C Chan
电动汽车发展的系统思维、发展控制、关键障碍和促进机制 郭春林,陈清泉
第三部分 可再生能源Part皿Renewable Energy
Electrical Machines and Power-Electronic Systems for High-Power Wind Energy Generation Applications
Part Ⅰ:MarketPenetration,CurrentTechnology andAdvancedMachine Systems ZQ.Zhu,and J.B.Hu
Electrical Machines and Power-Electronic Systems for High-Power Wind Energy Generation Applications
Part Ⅱ:PowerElectronics andControl Systems ZQ.Zhu,and JB Hu
The StateoftheArtofWindEnergyConversionSystemsandTechnologies:
AReview MingCheng,and YingZhn Improvement of Operating Performance for the Wind Farm with
a Novel CSC—Xype Wind Turbine—SMES Hybrid
System ZhengWang,BoYuwen,YongqiangLang,andMingChang
无刷双馈风力发电机的设计、分析与控制 程明,韩鹏,魏新迟
第四部分 电机、驱动及控制Part IV.Electric Machines.Drives and Controls
GeneralAirgapFieldModulationTheoryforElectricalMachines MingCheng,PengHan,andWeiHua
Overview of Stator-Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines Ming Cheng,Wei Hua,Jianzhong Zhang,and Wenxiang Zhao
A New Perspective on the Operating Principle of Flux-Switching Permanent—
Magnet Machines Y Shi,L.Jian,J Wei.Z.Shao.W Li and C.C.Chan
NovelStatorElectricallyFieldExcitedSynchronousMachineswithoutRare-EarthMagnet Z.Q.Zhu,andX Liu
RecentDevelopmentin StatorWound Field SynchronousMachines Z.Q.Zhu andY.J Zhou
Implementation of the Three—Phase Switched Reluctance Machine System for Motors and Generators Hao Chen,and J J.Gu
Control and Operation of Fault—Tolerant Flux—Switching Permanent—Magnet Motor Drive with
Second Harmonic Current Injection W.Xi Zhao,Mi.Cheng,K.一Chau,C.C.Chan
Application of Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Sensorless Control of Internal Permanent.Magnet
Synchronous Motor B.Du.S Wu.S Han and S.Cui
Research on a Single Phase-Loss Fault—Tolerant Control Strategy fbr a New Flux—Modulated Permanent.Magnet
Compact In—Wheel Motor Ying Fan,Weixia Zhu,Xiangyang Zhang,Ming Cheng,and K T Chau
ReliabilityAssessment ofthe Switched Reluctance Motor Drive under Single Switch Chopping Strategy
Hao Chen,HuanYang,YuxiangChen,andHo·Chinglu
Fault Diagnosis Digital Method for Power Transistors in Power
Converters of Switched Reluctance Motors Hao Chen and Shengli Lu
C.C.Chan’s Publication List
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