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食品专业英语 第二版 [汪洪涛,陈宝宏,陈成 编]

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  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:食品书籍
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关键词:英语   食品   洪涛   专业   陈宝宏
食品专业英语 第二版
作者:汪洪涛,陈宝宏,陈成 编
出版时间: 2014年版
丛编项: 高等职业教育“十二五”规划教材
营养与健康Lesson 1 TextNutrition Vocabulary Reading MaterialFood nutrition and health Exercise 参考译文营养 Lesson 2 TextProtein Vocabulary Reading MaterialWhat isProtein Exercise 参考译文蛋白质 Lesson 3 TextLipid Vocabulary Reading MaterialDietary Fats and Illness Exercise 参考译文脂类 Lesson 4 TextCarbohydrate Vocabulary Reading MaterialCarbohydrates Exercise 参考译文碳水化合物 Lesson 5 TextVitamin Vocabulary Reading MaterialAntioxidants Exercise 参考译文维生素 Lesson 6 TextWater Vocabulary Reading MaterialMy Opinion to Water Pollution Exercise 参考译文水 Lesson 7 TextMineral Vocabulary Reading MaterialGetting Enough Calcium Exercise 参考译文矿物质 食品专业英语(第二版)目录Lesson 8 TextFiber Vocabulary Reading MaterialFood Pyramid Exercise 参考译文膳食纤维 Unit ⅡFood Raw Material 食品原料Lesson 9 TextEggs Vocabulary Reading MaterialEat Smart and Get Moving Exercise 参考译文蛋类 Lesson 10 TextCereal Vocabulary Reading MaterialGrain Quality Exercise 参考译文谷类 Lesson 11 TextMeat Vocabulary Reading MaterialWhat Makes Organic Prairie Meat Organic Exercise 参考译文肉类 Lesson 12 TextFruit and Vegetables Vocabulary Reading MaterialThe Structure of Fruit and Vegetables and Stability of Nutrients Exercise 参考译文果蔬类 Lesson 13 TextLegume Vocabulary Reading MaterialBody Mass Index (BMI) and Keys to a Healthy Diet Exercise 参考译文豆类 Lesson 14 TextMilk Vocabulary Reading MaterialIs Milk the Best Calcium Source for Everyone? Exercise 参考译文乳类 Lesson 15 TextFood Additives Vocabulary Reading MaterialFood Additives Exercise 参考译文食品添加剂 Unit ⅢFood Preservation 食品保藏Lesson 16 TextFood Preservation Vocabulary Reading MaterialOrganic Agriculture Exercise 参考译文食品保藏 Lesson 17 TextFood Preservation by Gas Vocabulary Reading MaterialThe Freezing Point of Foods Exercise 参考译文食品气调保藏 Lesson 18 TextFood Preservation by Canning Vocabulary Reading MaterialFoodAllergy Exercise 参考译文食品罐装保藏 Lesson 19 TextFood Preservation by Drying Vocabulary Reading MaterialSpray Drying Exercise 参考译文食品干燥保藏 Lesson 20 TextFood Preservation by Fermentation Vocabulary Reading MaterialLipid Oxidation in Fermented Sausage Exercise 参考译文食品发酵保藏 Lesson 21 TextFood Preservation by Pickling and Curing Vocabulary Reading MaterialCalcium Exercise 参考译文食品腌渍保藏 Lesson 22 TextFood Irradiation Vocabulary Reading MaterialFood irradiation Exercise 参考译文食品辐射保藏 Unit ⅣFood Technology 食品加工工艺Lesson 23 TextBread Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialWho Puts the Bread on the Table? Exercise 参考译文面包的制作 Lesson 24 TextSausage Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialFood Safety Guidelines Exercise 参考译文香肠加工 Lesson 25 TextYogurt Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialMilk Exercise 参考译文酸乳加工 Lesson 26 TextVegetable Processing Technology Vocabulary Reading MaterialArtificial Vegetable Acidification Technology Exercise 参考译文蔬菜加工技术 Lesson 27 TextTomato Juice Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialCanningRaw Materials Exercise 参考译文番茄汁加工 Lesson 28 TextWhite Wine Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialHow to Select Wine for Your Event Exercise 参考译文白葡萄酒生产 Lesson 29 TextCheese Making Vocabulary Reading MaterialTraditional Cloth Matured Cheddar Exercise 参考译文奶酪加工 Unit ⅤFood Safety and Sanitation Control 食品安全与卫生控制Lesson 30 TextFood Safety Vocabulary Reading MaterialDoes Washing Food Promote Food Safety? Exercise 参考译文食品安全 Lesson 31 TextMicroorganisms and Sanitation Vocabulary Reading MaterialNutrition of Microbes Exercise 参考译文微生物与卫生 Lesson 32 TextHazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Vocabulary Reading MaterialHACCP/Food Safety Systems Exercise 参考译文危害分析与关键控制点 Lesson 33 TextGood Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Vocabulary Reading MaterialSmoking is Bad to Health Exercise 参考译文良好操作规范 Lesson 34 TextISO 22000 Vocabulary Reading MaterialInspection and Certification Procedures of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Exercise 参考译文国际太阳城 的组织22000 Unit ⅥNew Technology in Food Detection 食品检测新技术Lesson 35 TextNew Technique for the Treatment in Food Samples Vocabulary Reading MaterialSolid Phase Extraction Technique Trends Exercise 参考译文样品处理新技术 Lesson 36 TextFood Allergen Rapid Detection Technology Vocabulary Reading MaterialImmobilized Antibodies for Biosensor Detection of Protein Food Allergensin Grocery Products Exercise 参考译文食物过敏原快速检测技术 Lesson 37 TextBiochip Technology Vocabulary Reading MaterialGenetic Engineering and Food Security Exercise 参考译文生物芯片技术 Lesson 38 TextNew Technique for the Detection of microorganisms in Food Vocabulary Reading MaterialDetection of Salmonella spp Presence in Food Exercise 参考译文食品微生物检测新技术 Lesson 39 TextNew technique of Nondestructive Inspection of Agricultural products Quality Vocabulary Reading MaterialNondestructive testing for plant life assessment Exercise 参考译文农产品品质无损检测新技术
Appendixes 1Special Terms 专业术语 Appendixes 2Special Vocabulary 专业词汇 Appendixes 3Food Science and Technology English Translation Skills 食品科技英语翻译技巧
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