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英语语言文学经典阅读教程 上 刁克利主编 2019年版

  • 大小:123.81 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:文学艺术
  • 更新日期:2024-04-15
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关键词:教程   经典   阅读   英语   语言文学
英语语言文学经典阅读教程 上
作者: 刁克利主编
出版时间: 2019年版
丛编项: 中国人民大学"十三五"规划教材
  本书精选各时期英国文学和美国文学具有代表性的文学经典,*早可上述至中世纪英语。精选英美各时期*具代表性作家的文学作品,按照年代顺序进行排序。每课分别涵盖作者简介、作品简介、作品欣赏、原文细读、难点释义、问题思考、简评导读等模块,帮助读者深入理解文学作品,拓宽文化视野,把握作品的文学特征并思考其文化历史意义。遴选内容多是大学生熟悉的英美文学作品。在选择太阳城 上,首先注意作品的经典性,同时注重作品语言的规范和时代感。在题材上,涵盖散文、小说、诗歌等多种体裁,尤其注重优秀散文作品;内容上,以切近年轻人关注的话题为主。力求做到语言精美,内容引人入胜。
Lesson One Essays
Lesson Two The Preface to Shakespeare
Lesson Three Pride and Prejudice
Lesson Four A Defence of Poetry
Lesson Five The Hero As Poet. Dante; Shakespeare
Lesson Six Sesame and Liles
Lesson Seven The Mayor of Casterbridge
Lesson Eight The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Lesson Nine The American Scholar
Lesson Ten Walden
Lesson Eleven The Snow Image
Lesson Twelve The Real Thing
Lesson Thirteen The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
Lesson Fourteen O Henry’s Short Stories
Lesson Fifteen The Metaphysics of Modernism
Lesson Sixteen General Principles
Lesson Seventeen Introductory: Language Defined
Lesson Eighteen Ulysses
Lesson Nineteen Women in Love
Lesson Twenty The Great Gatsby
Lesson Twenty-one The Sound and the Fury
Lesson Twenty-two What Was Postmodernism?
Lesson Twenty-three Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences (Part 1)
Lesson Twenty-four Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences (Part 2)
Lesson Twenty-five The Dead Father
Lesson Twenty-six Lost in the Funhouse
Lesson Twenty-seven Slaughterhouse-Five
Lesson Twenty-eight Catch-22
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