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外国语言、文学、文化研究与翻译赏析 马玲,邓兵主编 2018年版

  • 大小:58.98 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:文学艺术
  • 更新日期:2024-04-18
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:赏析   翻译   外国   语言   文学
Literary Studies
A Textual Analysis of the Psychological Development of the Nameless Narrator in James Welch's Winter in the Blood
The Interdependence of Femininity and Masculinity in Song of Solomon
James as an Evil Portrait Painter: Evil in Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady
Robert Browning and the Philosophy of Imperfection—— With textual analysis of The Last Ride Together and Adrea del Sarto
An Analysis of W. B. Yeats' The Celtic Twilight From An Ecocritical Perspective
Une ecriture spontanee et poetique—— L'Amant de Marguerite Duras
L'ambiguite et la clart6 dans Les Liaisons dangereuses

Linguistics and Translation Studies
Henry James's Grandly Vague and Abstract Periodic Style as a Creative Adaptation of Both John Milton's and Samuel Johnson's Periodic Styles
Lexical Differences in Chinese Translations of Auguries of Innocence: A Cultural Perspective
Traduetion terminologique—— A l'exemple du Marbre
L'acte de langage du desaccord dans le francais oral contemporain—— Une analyse bas6e sur les donnees du corpus oral

Studies on Language Teaching
Role of Reading Aloud in Big Data Aid English Learning Environment
Chinese Style VS American Style—— Research about Curriculum Design in 1 -2 - 1 Program at Troy University
Zum Einsatz yon Bildem zur Schulung der interkuhurellen Kompetenz im DaF-Unterricht

Culture and National Conditions
Reconceptualizing culture: A study of online hotel reviews
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