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连续层次局部解剖彩色图谱 段坤昌,王振宇 主编 2016年版

  • 大小:69.93 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:图谱   解剖   彩色   主编   局部
作者: 段坤昌,王振宇 主编
第一章 头部Chapter 1 Head
图1 全身骨骼Skeleton
图2 人体解剖常用皮肤切口(前面观,后面观) Commonly used cut of skin of human anatomy. Anterior aspect, Posterior aspect
图3 颅(前面观)Skull. Anterior aspect
图4 颅(外侧面观)Skull. Lateral aspect
图5 硬脑膜的血管Blood vessels of cerebral dura mater
图6 大脑主要沟、回的血管Blood vessels of main sulcus and gyrus
图7 头面部的分区Regions of head and face
图8 头面部的皮动脉(侧面观)Cutaneous arteries of head and face. Lateral aspect
图9 面部表情肌(1)Facial muscles (1)
图10 面部表情肌(2)Facial muscles (2)
图12 颊脂肪垫Buccal fat pad
图13 咀嚼肌(1)Masticatory muscles (1)9
图14 咀嚼肌(2)Masticatory muscles (2)9
图15 头面部动脉(1)Arteries of head and face (1)
图16 头面部动脉(2)Arteries of head and face (2)
图17 头面部静脉 (1)Veins of head and face (1)
图18 头面部静脉(2)Veins of head and face (2)
图19 面神经(1)Facial nerve (1)
图20 面神经(2)Facial nerve (2)
图21 面神经(3)Facial nerve (3)
图22 面神经的下颌缘支Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
图23 面神经的颈支Cervical branch of facial nerve
图24 腮腺浅部的结构(1)Structures of superficial part on parotid gland (1)
图25 腮腺浅部的结构(2)Structures of superficial part on parotid gland (2)
图26 腮腺深部的结构(1)Structures of deep part in parotid gland (1)
图27 腮腺深部的结构(2)Structures of deep part in parotid gland (2)
图28 三叉神经(外侧面观)Trigeminal nerve.Lateral aspect
图29 三叉神经(内侧面观)Trigeminal nerve.Medial aspect
图30 三叉神经的眼神经Ophthalmic nerve of trigeminal nerve
图31 三叉神经的下颌神经 Mandibular nerve of trigeminal nerve
图32 脑神经(外侧面观) Cranial nerves. Lateral aspect
图33 口腔腺Gland of oral cavity
图34 腮腺咬肌区的结构(1)Structures of parotideomassetertic region (1)
图35 腮腺咬肌区的结构(2)Structures of parotideomassetertic region (2)
图36 腮腺咬肌区的结构(3)Structures of parotideomassetertic region (3)
图37 腮腺和面侧区的水平切面Horizontal section of parotid gland and lateral region of face
图38 面部的间隙(冠状切面)Spaces of face.Coronal section
图39 舌下间隙(1)Sublingual space (1)
图40 舌下间隙(2)Sublingual space (2)
图41 颅顶层次 Layer of epicranial region
图42 颞筋膜Temporal fascial
图43 颞筋膜(冠状切面)Temporal fascial.Coronal section27
图44 颅顶浅筋膜及皮动脉Superficial fascia and cutaneous arteries of epicranial region
图45 颅底(内面观)Base of skull. Internal aspect
图46 大脑动脉环与脑神经根的毗邻关系(1)Adjacent relations between cerebral nervous roots and circulus arteriosus cerebri (1)
图47 大脑动脉环与脑神经根的毗邻关系(2)Adjacent relations between cerebral nervous roots and circulus arteriosus cerebri (2)
图48 颅底内面脑神经出口Exits of cranial nerves on inner surface of base of skull
图49 硬脑膜及静脉窦(1)Cerebra dura mater and venous sinuses (1)
图50 硬脑膜及静脉窦(2)Cerebra dura mater and venous sinuses (2)
图51 硬脑膜及静脉窦(3)Cerebra dura mater and venous sinuses (3)
图52 鞍膈diaphragma sellar
图53 海绵窦腔内的结构(1)Structure in cavernous sinus intracavity (1)
图54 海绵窦腔内的结构(2)Structure in cavernous sinus intracavity (2)
图55 三叉神经腔Trigeminal cave
图56 海绵窦(冠状切面)Cavernous sinus. Coronal section
图57 颅底(外面观1)Base of skull.External aspect (1)
图58 颅底(外面观2)Base of skull. Internal aspect (2)
第二章 颈部Chapter 2 Neck
图59 颈部的分区(侧面观)Regions of neck. Lateral aspect
图60 颈部三角(前面观)Triangles of neck. Anterior aspect
图61 颈筋膜浅层Superficial cervical fascia
图62 颈筋膜(正中矢状切面)Cervical fascia. Median sagittal section
图63 下颌下三角和颏下三角Submandibular triangle and submental triangle
图64 舌骨上区(前面观1)Suprahyoid region.Anterior aspect (1)
图65 舌骨上区(前面观2)Suprahyoid region.Anterior aspect (2)
图66 舌骨上区(前面观3)Suprahyoid region.Anterior aspect (3)
图67 舌骨上区(前面观4)Suprahyoid region.Anterior aspect (4)
图68 舌骨上区(侧面观1)Suprahyoid region.Lateral aspect (1)
图69 舌骨上区(侧面观2)Suprahyoid region.Lateral aspect (2)
图70 舌骨上区(侧面观3)Suprahyoid region.Lateral aspect (3)
图71 舌骨上区(侧面观4)Suprahyoid region.Lateral aspect (4)
图72 颈前区结构(1)Structures of anterior region of neck (1)
图73 颈前区结构(2)Structures of anterior region of neck (2)
图74 颈前区结构(3)Structures of anterior region of neck (3)
图75 颈前区结构(4)Structures of anterior region of neck (4)
图76 颈前区结构(5)Structures of anterior region of neck (5)
图77 颈前区结构(6)Structures of anterior region of neck (6)
图78 颈前区结构(7)Structures of anterior region of neck (7)
图79 颈前区结构(8)Structures of anterior region of neck (8)
图80 颈根部(1)Root of neck (1)
图81 颈根部(2)Root of neck (2)
图82 颈根部(3)Root of neck (3)
图83 胸膜顶 Cupula of pleura
图84 颈部的血管神经(侧面观1)Blood vessels and nerves of neck.Lateral aspect (1)
图85 颈部的血管神经(侧面观2)Blood vessels and nerves of neck.Lateral aspect (2)
图86 颈部的血管神经(侧面观3)Blood vessels and nerves of neck.Lateral aspect (3)
图87 颈部的血管神经(侧面观4)Blood vessels and nerves of neck.Lateral aspect (4)
图88 颈部的血管神经(侧面观5)Blood vessels and nerves of neck.Lateral aspect (5)
图89 颈内动脉及椎动脉(侧面观)Vertebral artery and internal carotid artery. Lateral aspect
图 90 右侧喉返神经(1)Right recurrent laryngeal nerve (1)
图 91 右侧喉返神经(2)Right recurrent laryngeal nerve (2)
图 92 左侧喉返神经Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
图93 喉返神经(后面观)Recurrent laryngeal nerve.Posterior aspect
图94 喉上神经与喉下神经(侧面观) Inferior laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve. Lateral aspect
图95 喉上神经与喉下神经(后面观)Inferior laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve. Posterior aspect
图96 甲状腺下动脉与喉返神经的关系Adjacent relations between inferior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Posterior aspect
图97 甲状腺静脉Thyroid veins
图98 甲状腺(前面观)Thyroid gland. Anterior aspect
图99 甲状旁腺(后面观)Parathyroid gland. Posterior aspect
图100 颈部肌(前面观1)Muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect (1)
图101 颈部肌(前面观2)Muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect (2)
图102 颈部肌(前面观3)Muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect (3)
图103 颈部肌(前面观4)Muscles of the neck. Anterior aspect (4)
图104 颈部肌(侧面观1)Muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect (1)
图105 颈部肌(侧面观2)Muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect (2)
图106 颈部肌(侧面观3)Muscles of the neck. Lateral aspect (3)
图107 臂丛的组成及其分支(1)Formation of brachial plexus and its branches (1)
图108 臂丛的组成及其分支(2)Formation of brachial plexus and its branches (2)
图109 锁骨下动脉与锁骨下静脉 Subclavian artery and subclavian vein
图110 锁骨下动脉与臂丛Subclavian artery and brachial plexus
图111 颈部的淋巴管和淋巴结(1)Lymph vessels and nodes of neck (1)
图112 颈部的淋巴管和淋巴结(2)Lymph vessels and nodes of neck (2)
图113 颈部的淋巴管和淋巴结(3)Lymph vessels and nodes of neck (3)
第三章 胸部Chapter 3 Thorax
图114 胸前壁的标志线 Lines of orientation on anterior thoracic wall
图115 胸后壁的标志线Lines of orientation on posterior thoracic wall
图116 胸外侧壁的标志线Lines of orientation on lateral thoracic wall
图117 胸部浅筋膜及皮动脉Superficial fascia and cutaneous arteries of thorax
图118 胸前、外侧壁的浅血管和皮神经Superficial vessels and cutaneous nerves of
anterolateral wall of thorax
图119 女性乳房Mamma of female
图120 女性乳房(矢状切面)Mamma of female. Sagittal section
图121 腋窝淋巴结Axillary lymph nodes
图122 胸前、外侧壁肌Muscles of anterolateral thoracic wall
图123 肋间外肌Intercostales externi
图124 肋间内肌Intercostales interni
图125 前锯肌Serratus anterior
图126 肋间神经和肋间后动静脉Intercostal nerves and posterior intercostal arteries,veins
图127 脊神经前、后支(上面观)Posterior and anterior branches of spinal nerves. Superior aspect
图128 胸壁层次及胸膜腔穿刺部位(胸前外侧壁 肩胛线外侧) Layer of thoracic wall and puncturation of position of pleural cavity. Scapular line out side
图129 胸壁层次及胸膜腔穿刺部位(胸后壁 肩胛线内侧)Layer of thoracic wall and puncturation of position of pleural cavity. Scapular line in side
图130 胸廓内血管和胸骨旁淋巴结Internal thoracic artery, vein and parasternal lymph nodes
图131 膈 (下面观) Diaphragm.Inferior aspect
图132 肋间神经外侧皮支及胸腹壁浅血管(前外侧面观)Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves and superficial vessels of thoracoabdomen wall. Anterolateral aspect
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