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普通医药院校创新型系列教材 护理学专业英语 祝娉婷 2018年版

  • 大小:23.49 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:娉婷   护理   院校   医药   教材
普通医药院校创新型系列教材 护理学专业英语
  《护理学专业英语》在编写时突破传统教材框架,强调护理专业英语知识与护理学专业实践的交织与融合。《护理学专业英语》共分为九章:Communication and Collaboration, Vital Signs, Basic Human Needs, Activity and Mobility, Elimination, Evidence-based Nursing, Wound Care, Complex Nursing Interventions, Supportive Nursing Interventions等内容。每章由Learning Points, Reading, New Words and Expressions, Exercises和习题答案五个部分组成。内容上注重护理学新知识、新理论与新方法的介绍,英语难度略高于大学英语四级水平。
Chapter 1 Communication and Collaboration 01
Unit 1 Skills for communication 01
Unit 2 Patient-centered communication 04
Chapter 2 Vital Signs 10
Unit 1 Vital signs 10
Unit 2 Breathing 13
Chapter 3 Basic Human Needs 17
Unit 1 Promoting hygiene 17
Unit 2 Promoting nutrition 21
Unit 3 Pain management 26
Chapter 4 Activity and Mobility 032
Unit 1 Safe patient handing, transfer, and positioning 32
Unit 2 Exercise and mobility 36
Unit 3 Traction, cast care, and immobilization devices 40
Chapter 5 Elimination 44
Unit 1 Urinary elimination 44
Unit 2 Bowel elimination 47
Unit 3 Ostomy care 49
Chapter 6 Evidence-based Nursing 53
Chapter 7 Wound Care 59
Unit 1 Wound 59
Unit 2 Wound care 64
Unit 3 Therapeutic use of heat and cold 68
Chapter 8 Complex Nursing Interventions 72
Unit 1 Intravenous therapy 72
Unit 2 Preoperative and postoperative care 76
Unit 3 Emergency nursing 80
Chapter 9 Supportive Nursing Interventions 84
Unit 1 Home care safety 84
Unit 2 Palliative care 88
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