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医学文化英语教程 刘泽华,雷蕾 主编 2016年版

  • 大小:37.99 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
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关键词:教程   主编   英语   医学   文化
作者:刘泽华,雷蕾 主编
Unit 1 Disease
Text A Intensive Reading
Piercing the Fog Around CeHphones and Cancer
Text B Fast Reading
Washington Post Opinion:HIV Treatment Can Be HIV Prevention
Text C Extensive Reading
Diabetes?Some Beat It,but Are They Cured?
Text D After-Class Reading
Can You Inherit Your Mother’s Health?
Unit 2 Breakthroughs
Text A Intensive Reading
Penicillin’s Discovery
Text B Fast Reading 26
The Social History of the Birth Control Pill
Text C Extensive Reading
Viagra:The Magic Blue Pill
Text D After-Class Reading
Latest Medical Breakthroughs
Unit 3 Medicine and Law
Text A Intensive Reading
Abortion and the Tragedy of the World’s Missing Women
Text B Fast Reading
A Wave of Addiction and Crime,with the Medicine
Cabinet to Blame
Text C Extensive Reading
Don’t Wait to Make Your End-of-LifeWishesKnown
Text D After-Class Reading
Unit 4 Medicine and Ethics
Text A Intensive Reading
Should the Condom Come with a Health Warning?
Text B Fast Reading
Physician—Patient Relationship
Text C Extensive Reading
Addressing Issues of Moral Complicity:When?Where?Why?And Other Questions
Text D After·Class Reading
Violating Ethics:Unlawful Combatants,National Security and Health Professionals
Unit 5 Iconic Figures in Medicine
Text A Intensive Reading
Emil von Behring:Medicine’s First Nobel Laureate
Text B Fast Reading
Rosalind Franklin-Mystery Woman:The Dark Ladr of DNA
Text C Extensive Reading
New American Heart Association President Driven by Family History
Text D After·Class Reading
The Oath:Meaningless Relic or Invaluable Moral Guide?
Unit 6 Medicine and Arts,Religion,Sci-Fi
Text A Intensive Reading
Painting with Penicillin:Mexander Fleming’s Germ Art
Text B Fast Reading
Ethical Failures Found on“Grey’s Anatomy”and“House”
Text C Extensive Reading
Medicine and Religion Collide in Chemo Refusal
Text D After-Class Reading
We Can Rebuild Them.We Have the Technology
Unit 7 Cloning and Transplantation
Text A Intensive Reading
What Are the Ethical Issues Regarding Human Cloning?
Text B Fast Reading
Organ Donation:Let the Market Rule?
Text C Extensive Reading
Is Research Cloning Different from Reproductive Cloning?
Text D After-Class Reading
General Leaflet on Religious Viewpoints
Unit 8 Epidemics
Text A Intensive Reading
30Years In,WeAre Still Learning fromAIDS
Text B Fast Reading
What We Learned From H1N1’s First Year
Text C Extensive Reading
Drive to Stem Shingles Meets Few Expectations
Text D After—Class Reading
Surveillance for Pneumonic Plague in the United States During an International Emergency
Unit 9 TraditionaI Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine 16f
TextA Intensive Reading 16I
Acupuncturists Building Bridges with Western Medicine
Text B Fast Reading 166
Traditional VS.Western:Which 0ne Is Easier for Chinese Consumers to Swallow?
Text C Extensive Reading
Balancing Needles and Cigars
Text D After-Class Reading
A Spoonful of Foreign Culture Helps Western Medicine Go Down
Unit 10 Food
Text A Intensive Reading
Food and Drink
Text B Fast Reading
Race to Introduce Genetically Modified Maize to Stave off Climate Change Impacts in Africa
Text C Extensive Reading
Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table
Text D After-Class Reading
Nuclear Crisis:How Safe Is Japan’s Food and Water?

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