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医学机能实验 英文版 刘爱明,张俊芳主编 2016年版

  • 大小:28.05 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-03-18
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关键词:机能   英文   医学   实验
医学机能实验 英文版
作者: 刘爱明,张俊芳主编
出版时间: 2016年版
Chapter 1
Basics of Physiological-Pharmacological Experimentation
Unit 1 Objectives and Requirements of Physiological-Pharmacological Experiment
Unit 2 Process of Experiment Data and Production of Experiment Reports
Unit 3 Requirements and Safety Rules in Laboratory
Unit 4 Operation of Biological Data Acquisition System RM-6240
Chapter 2
General Knowledge of Physiological-Pharmacological Experimentation
Unit 1 Fundamental Principle of Physiological-Pharmacological Experi-mentation
Unit 2 Preliminary Tests in Physiological-Pharmacological Experimentation
Unit 3StatisticaIAnalysis Most Often Used in Scientific Activities
Unit 4 StatisticAnalysis Using Excel
Chapter 3
Basic Operations on Experimental Animals
Unit 1 Fundamentals ofAnimal Experiments
Unit 2 Operations on ExperimentaIAnimals
Unit 3 Gender Identification and Labeling the Animals
Unit 4 Narcotics and Animal Narcosis
Unit 5 Sample Collection and Bleeding
Unit 6 Drug Administration for Laboratory Animals
Chapter 4
Physiological-Pharmacological Experiments
Experiment 1 Generation and Conduction of Compound Action Potential
Experiment 2 Actions of Antiepileptic and Anticonvulsants in Mouse Models
Experiment 2-1 Effect ofDrugs on Electric Conwlsive Shock
Experiment 2-2 Effect ofDrugs on Conwlsion Induced by Central Stimulants
Experiment 3 Actions ofAnalgesics in Mouse Models
Experiment 3-1 Analgesic Effect Assayed by Hot-Plate Model
Experiment 3-2 Analgesic Effect Assayed Using Chemical-Stimulation Model
Experiment 4 Influence of Stimulus on the Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
Experiment 5 Determination of ABO Blood Group
Experiment 6 Effects of Physical and Chemical Factors on Blood Coagulation
Experiment 7 Recording of Electrocardiogram in Toads
Experiment 8 Effects of Chemical Agents on the Activity of the Isolated Toad Heart
Experiment 9 Regulation ofArtery Blood Pressure
Experiment 10 Measurement of Human Blood Pressure
Experiment 11 Toxic Effects of Cardiac Glycosides on Heart
Experiment 12 Effect of Drugs on Isolated Intestinal Smooth Muscles
Experiment 13 Regulation of Respiratory Movements
Experiment 14 Experimental Pulmonary Edema in Rabbits
Experiment 15 Factors arjd Drugs Influencing Urine Output
Chapter 5
Cxpand Experiments
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