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中医 中西医结合专业英语 黄泳,吴让科,李义凯主编 2009年版

  • 大小:56.5 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-03-19
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:中医   英语   专业   中西医结合
中医 中西医结合专业英语
出版时间: 2009年版
General study
Unit 1
Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A General Introduction of TCM
  Passage B "Bian Zheng Lun Zhi"-- Diagnosis and Treatment Based on an Overall Analysis of Signs and Symptoms
Part 2 Focus
  The Medical Science English Translation
Part 3 Note book
  The Famous TCM Books
Unit 2
Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Yin and Yang
  Passage B HIV/AIDS
Part 2 Focus
  Abstract of Dissertation
Part 3 Note book
  Classifications According to Yin-Yang Theory
Unit 3
Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Five Elements
  Passage B The Hippocratic Oath
Part 2 Focus
  Abbreviations of the Medicine English
Part 3 Note book
  Tables About Five Elements Theory
Unit 4
Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Zang-fu Theory
  Passage B Kidney
Part 2 Focus
  Word-building of Medical Technical Terms
Part 3 Note book
  Affix in Common Use
Unit 5
Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Qi, Blood and Body Fluid
  Passage B Counseling
 Part 2 Focus
  Package Insert
 Part 3 Note book
  Tables for each Zang organ's Brief Account
Unit 6
 Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Meridians and Collaterals
  Passage B Massage Therapy
 Part 2 Focus
  Professional Terminology of Massage Therapy and bone-setting(l)
 Part 3 Note book
  Classification of Meridians and Collaterals
Unit 7
 Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Six Exogenous Factors
  Passage B Seven Emotional Factors
 Part 2 Focus
  Professional Terminology of Massage Therapy and Bone-setting (2)
 Part 3 Note book
  Characters of the Pathogenic Factors
Unit 8
 Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Deficiency and Excess
  Passage B The Concept of Organism as a Whole
 Part 2 Focus
  Professional Terminology of Massage Therapy and Bone-setting (3)
 Part 3 Note book
  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine(from 2000 to 2005)
Unit 9
 Part 1 Reading and Translation
  Passage A Observation of the Tongue
  Passage B Decision of a Physician
 Part 2 Focus
  Departments in the Hospital
 Part 3 Note book
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
TCM Outline
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