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外科学 陈孝平主编 2006年版

  • 大小:150.8 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:医药书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-04-09
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关键词:外科学   陈孝平主编   2006   年版
丛编项: 英文改编版
  1.该书全面系统地介绍了外科学总论和外科学基本概念,包括术前、术后处理,外科并发症,水电解质平衡,代谢和营养,感染和抗菌学应用,麻醉和休克等外科基本理论和概念,并对最新进展进行了介绍。 2.该书以介绍普通外科疾病为主,并兼顾其它专科疾病,如神经外科、胸心外科、矫形外科、小儿外科、器官移植外科等常见病的诊断治疗,涉及外科病种超过1000种。 3.该书采用图表共548幅,便于学习和理解。 4.该书在前一版的基础上,根据当代外科理论和临床实践的新进展,作者对全书内作了较大更新。
Chapter 1 Approach to the Surgical Patient
Chapter 2 Fluid and Electrolyte Management
Chapter 3 Shock and Acute Pulmonary Failure in Surgical Patients
Chapter 4 Anesthesia
Chapter 5 Wound Healing
Chapter 6 Perioperalive Management
Chapter 7 Surgical Metabofism and Nutrition
Chapter 8 Surgical Infections
Chapter 9 Management of the Injured Patient
Chapter 10 Burns and Other Thermal Injuries
Chapter 11 Organ Transplantation
Chapter I2 Neurodiagnostic Procedures
Chapter 13 Craniocerebral Trauma
Chapter 14 Brain Tumors
Chapter 15 Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring
Chapter 16 Neck Diseases
Chapter 17 Breast Diseases
Chapter 18 Pleura Diseases
Chapter 19 Lungs Diseases
Chapter 20 Esophagus Diseases
Chapter 21 Heart Diseases
Chapter 22 External Hernia
Chapter 23 Peritoneal Cavity
Chapter 24 Stomach and Duodenum Diseases
Chapter 25 Intestine Diseases
Chapter 26 Appendix
Chapter 27 Anorectum Diseases
Chapter 28 Liver Diseases
Chapter 29 Portal Hypertension
Chapter 30 Biliary Tract Diseases
Chapter 31 The Acute Abdomen
Chapter 32 Pancreas Diseases
Chapter 33 Spleen Diseases
Chapter 34 Arterial Aneurysms
Chapter 35 The Diseases of Veins and Lymphoduct
Chapter 36 Anatomy of The Genitoruinary Tract
Chapter 37 Genitourinary Tract Infections
Chapter 38 Developmental Anomalies of The Genitourinary Tract
Chapter 39 Urinary Tract Obstruction
Chapter 40 Urinary Tract Calculi
Chapter 41 Genitourinary Tract Trauma
Chapter 42 Tumors of The Genitourinary Tract
Chapter 43 Adrenals Disease
Chapter 44 Fractures and Joint Injuries
Chapter 45 Pain Syndromes
Chapter 46 Infections of The bone and Joint
Chapter 47 Bone Tumors
Chapter 48 Hand Surgery
Chapter 49 Deformities of Bones and Joints
Appendix English-Chinese Glossary
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