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  • 大小:3.97 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:自然科学
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关键词:导论   灰色   英文   资源   数理
  Let "Mathematical Resource Science" be an amalgamation, thus"Grey Mathematical" and "Grey Mathematical Resource Science"connotes their two subsets."Mathematical Resource" connotes the model, algorithms, theo-rems, laws, conceptions possessing values of resource in mathematic,physic, and grey theory.We call resource existing mechanism, and resource distinctionthe resource biology ( or biology for short). We thus say biology is the must for every resource.Accordingly, there are life biology, mathematical biology, societybiology, and information biology, owing to the cardinal purpose for re-source studying is to exploiting and utilizing resources. Thus the ex-ploiting mathematical resource connotes to exploit its existing mecha-nism and distinctions.
Introduction to Grey Mathematical Theory
Chapter1 Conception Exploiting
1.1 Conception on Grey Resources
1.2 Properties on Grey Resources——Economic-Technical Propeilies
1.3 Categories on Grey Resources
1.4 Efficacy-Wealth Co-Survival Model:S Model
1.5 Grey Hazy Set on Resource Efficacy Forming
Chapter2 The Ecology Exploitation of Social Resource
2.1 Ordering Effectiveness Concept of Grey Resource
2.2 Ordering Effectiveness in GM ( 1, N)
2.3 GM(1,N) Integrating Concept
2.4 GM( 1 ,N) Integrating Criterion on Resource Optimal Integrating
2.5 Instance of Ecotogy Exploiting on Social Resource
Chapter 3 Programming Exploitation
3.1 Outline on Programming Exploitation
3.2 Grey Linear Programming with Thrift Resources
3.3 Ergodic Sparing Resource Grey Linear Programming
3.4 Thrift Resource Situation Programming on Components
3.5 Thrift of Resources Time Domain Situation Grey Programming
3.6 Thrift of Resource Situation Programming in time Domain for Total Ration Limit
Chapter 4 Biology Exploitation of Life Resource
4.1 Outline on Life Resource Exploitation
4.2 GRA Breeding Target Character
4.3 The Selection of Optimal Region for Breeding
4.4 Farent Sorting via GRA
4.5 Quality Analysis for Gluctenin Subunit of High-Quality Wheat
4.6 Life Prophylaxis( Biology Relationship With Grey Numbers)
4.7 Grey Differential Model of Animal Living & Exercising Relation
Chapter 5 Biology Exploitation of Grey Mathematical Resources
5.1 Outline on Biology Exploitation of GMR
5.2 Steep GM(1,1)
5.3 GM Modeling in Resource Efficacy Space
5.4 Mineral Resource Exploiting( Grey Trap)
5.5 Grey Assessment in Resource Efficacy Field
Chapter 6 Biology Exploiting of Information Resources
6.1 National Economic Information Resource(Resource Block)
6.2 Ore Resource Exploiting Situation Prediction
6.3 Spring Resource Prediction
6.4 Flow Prediction in Flood Season of River
6.5 Prediction of Exploiting Situation for Reservoir Resource
6.6 Chinese Herbal Medicine Resource
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