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  • 大小:44.82 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:自然科学
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关键词:中华鲟   主编   中的   保护   海洋馆
作者: 危起伟 主编
出版时间: 2016年版
中华鲟水族馆迁地驯养的适应性研究(Acclimating and Maintaining Chinese Sturgeons (Acipenser sinensis) in the Captive Environment of a Large Aquar
中国水族馆行业的发展与政府关注:北京海洋馆的动物保护与发展之路(The Progress of Aquarium Business and the Attention from the Government in China:the Progress a
科企联合:实现中华鲟保护新突破(Union of Scientific Research Institutions and Enterprises:Realizing New Breakthrough in Protecting Chinese Stur
中华鲟保护性展示:北京海洋馆经营模式的新探索(The Exhibition of Chinese Sturgeon in Beijing Aquarium:the Explore of the New business Model)王元群
香港海洋公园中华鲟饲养及展示概要(The Introduction of Chinese Sturgeon Breeding and Exhibition in Hong Kong Ocean Park)杨月媚
水族馆中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)行为观察与技术应用(Observation of Behavior of Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis)and Its Application in the A
野生中华鲟水族馆驯养观察(Observation on Domestication of Wild Chinese Sturgeon in an Aquarium)刘鉴毅等
中华鲟水族馆驯养研究(Research on Domestication of Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis)in an Aquarium)刘鉴毅等
中华鲟全人工繁殖技术研究(Research on Technology for Controlled Propagation of Cultured Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis))危起伟等
中华鲟早期发育中17β-雌二醇和睾酮水平变化的初步观察(Variation in the Levels of 17β-Estradiol and Testosterone during Early Development of Chinese Sturg
不同喂食方法对产后野生中华鲟的摄食促进(Recovery of Forging Ability of Wild Female Chinese Sturgeon after Artificial Propagation in Aquarium by Dif
养殖密度对中华鲟行为、免疫力和养殖环境水质的影响(Effects of Culturing Density on Behavior and Immunity of Captive Acipenser sinensis and That on the Wa
性腺发育及年龄对养殖中华鲟抗氧化力的影响(Effects of Gonad Development and Age on the Antioxidant Defenses of Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis))
降盐度梯度对中华鲟血液生化指标的影响(Changes in Serum Biochemical Parameters of Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835 Caused by Decreasing Environmental S
17β-雌二醇对中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Gray 1834)幼鱼血细胞和血生化参数的影响(Hematological and Biochemical Responses of Juvenile Chinese Sturgeon (A
养殖中华鲟的产后康复(The Recovery of Post-Spawned Cultured Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis))张晓雁等
中华鲟精子在扫描透射电子显微镜下的超微结构和形态(Ultrastructure and Morphology of Spermatozoa in Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis Gray1835)Using Sca
几种不同浓度的离子及单糖对中华鲟精子活力的影响(Effects of Different Concentration of Irons and Monosaccharides on Sperm Motility of Chinese Sturgeon (
计算机辅助对几种鲟鱼冻精激活液的比较(Comparative Study of Activating Mediums for the Cryopreserved Sperm of Several Sturgeons Using CASA)柳凌等
Na+,K+,Mg2+,Ca2+和葡萄糖溶液作为授精-激活介质对中华鲟精子受精率的影响(Effect of Na+,K+
不同水深和光照强度对中华鲟受精卵孵化率的影响(Effects of Water Depth and Illumination on the Hatching Rate of Zygote of Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser si
养殖中华鲟四种天然饵料的细菌分布及灭菌效果(The Bacteria Distribution and Sterilization Effect of Four Kinds of Natural Baits for Cultured Acipenser
5月龄、7月龄中华鲟子二代光照偏好性研究(Light Intensity Preferences of 5-month and 7-month F2 Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis))王恒等
苯酚,Cu2+,亚硝酸盐和总氨氮对中华鲟稚鱼的急性毒性(Acute Toxicity of Phenol,Copper,Nitrite and Total Ammonia to Juvenile Chinese Sturgeon(A
多倍体中华鲟微卫星亲子鉴定体系的建立(Parentage Identification of Polyploidy Acipenser sinensis Based on Microsatellite Markers)辛苗苗等
淡水人工培育中华鲟亚成体的海水驯化试验(Acclimation Experiment of Sub-adult Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray) from Fresh Water Culture in
中华鲟苗种工厂化养殖系统设计与应用(The Design and Running of a Recirculating Aquaculture System for Chinese Sturgeon Larvae and Fingerling)杨德国等
中华鲟苗种的集约化生产系统(Intensive Reproduction System for Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis)Larvae and Fingering)杨德国等
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