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中国科学院院士文集 朱位秋论文选集 英文版 《朱位秋论文选集》编委会 编 2017年版

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  • 语言:英文版
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中国科学院院士文集 朱位秋论文选集 英文版
作者: 《朱位秋论文选集》编委会 编
丛编项: 中国科学院院士文集
1 综述
Random vibration: a survey of recent developments
Stochastic averaging methods in random vibration
Recent developments and applications of the stochastic averaging method in random vibration
Nonlinear stochastic dynamics and control in Hamiltonian formulation
2 精确平稳解
On exact stationary solutions of stochastically perturbed Hamiltonian systems
Exact stationary solutions of stochastically excited and dissipated integrable Hamiltonian systems
Exact stationary solutions of stochastically excited and dissipated partially integrable Hamiltonian systems
Exact stationary solutions of stochastically excited and dissipated gyroscopic systems
3 等效非线性系统法
The equivalent non-linear system method
Equivalent nonlinear system method for stochastically excited and dissipated integrable Hamiltonian systems
Equivalent non-linear system method for stochastically excited and dissipated partially integrable Hamiltonian systems
4 随机平均法
Stochastic averaging of quasi-nonintegrable-Hamiltonian systems
Stochastic averaging of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems
Response and stability of strongly non-linear oscillators under wide-band random excitation
Stochastic averaging of quasi-generalized Hamiltonian systems
Stochastic averaging of strongly nonlinear oscillators with small fractional derivative damping under combined harmonic and white noise excitations
Stochastic averaging of quasi-nonintegrable-Hamiltonian systems under Poisson white noise excitation
Stochastic averaging of quasi-non-integrable Hamiltonian systems under fractional Gaussian noise excitation
5 随机稳定性与随机分岔
Stochastic stability of quasi-non-integrable-Hamiltonian systems
Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of quasi-integrable-Hamiltonian systems
Stochastic jump and bifurcation of a duffing oscillator under narrow-band excitation
Stochastic Hopfbifurcation ofquasi-nonintegrable-Hamiltonian systems
Effect of bounded noise on chaotic motion of duffing oscillator under parametric excitation
6 可靠性
First-passage failure of quasi-non-integrable-Hamiltonian systems
First-passage failure of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems
A stochastic theory of cumulative fatigue damage
On fatigue crack growth under random loading
7 随机最优控制
An optimal nonlinear feedback control strategy for randomly excited structural systems
Feedback stabilization of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems
Stabilization of quasi integrable Hamiltonian systems with fractional derivative damping by using fractional optimal control
First-passage failure and its feedback minimization of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems
Feedback control of nonlinear stochastic systems for targeting a specified stationary probability density
A stochastic optimal semi-active control strategy for ER/MR dampers
A stochastically averaged optimal control strategy for quasi-Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation
Asymptotic Lyapunov stability with probability one of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with delayed feedback control
A stochastic optimal control strategy for partially observable nonlinear quasi-Hamiltonian systems
Stochastic minimax control for stabilizing uncertain quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems
8 其他
Stochastic FEM based on local averages of random vector fields
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