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配位化学(双语版)第二版 [李晖 编著] 2011年版

  • 大小:13.84 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:化学书籍
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关键词:编著   化学   双语版   李晖   2011
Chapter 1An Introduction To Coordination Chemistry1
1 1The History of Coordination Chemistry1
1 1 1The Origin of Coordination Chemistry1
1 1 2The Modern Coordination Chemistry—Werner CoordinationChemistry4
1 1 3Extending Coordination Chemistry—SupramolecularChemistry6
1 2The Key Features of Coordination Complex9
1 2 1The Concepts of Coordination Complex9
1 2 2Classification of Ligand11
1 2 3Coordination Number and Coordination Geometry12
1 2 4Coordinative Unsaturation15
1 2 5Primary and Secondary Coordination Sphere15
1 3Nomenclature of Coordination Complex17
1 4Isomerism of Coordination Complex20
1 4 1Definition of Isomers20
1 4 2Structural (or Constitutional) Isomers20
1 4 3Stereoisomers21
1 4 4Supramolecular Isomerism23
Chapter 2The Bonding Theories of Coordination Complex25
2 1Symmetry in Chemistry—Group Theory25
2 1 1Symmetry Elements25
2 1 2Symmetry Operation26
2 1 3Molecular Point Group26
2 1 4Character Tables30
2 2Valence Bond Theory32
2 2 1Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals32
2 2 2Molecular Shapes35
2 3Crystal Field Theory37
2 3 1CFT for Octahedral Geometry37
2 3 2CFT for Tetrahedral Geometry39
2 3 3CFT for Square Planar Geometry39
2 3 4Factors Influencing the Magnitude of Δ40
2 3 5Applications of CFT40
2 4Molecular Orbital Theory42
2 4 1Molecular Orbital43
2 4 2Basic Rules of MO Theory45
2 5Intermolecular Interaction47
2 5 1Electrostatic Interactions48
2 5 2Hydrogen Bonding49
2 5 3π π Stacking50
2 5 4Van de Waals Interactions50
Chapter 3Spectroscopy of Coordination Complex52
3 1Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectroscopy(UV Vis)52
3 1 1Electronic Transitions53
3 1 2Absorbing Species Containing π,σ and n Electrons53
3 1 3Electronic Absorption Spectrum of Coordination Complex55
3 2Infrared Spectroscopy and Roman Spectroscopy57
3 2 1Motion of Molecule57
3 2 2IR Spectroscopy of Coordination compound59
3 2 3The Raman Effect and Raman Scattering63
3 2 4Raman Selection Rules and Intensities65
3 2 5Polarization Effects65
3 3X ray Powder and Single Crystal Diffraction Analysis 66
3 3 1Diffraction and Bragg s Law66
3 3 2X ray Powder Diffraction Analysis67
3 3 3X ray Single Crystal Diffraction Analysis69
3 4Photoelectron Spectroscopy72
3 4 1X ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(XPS)73
3 4 2Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy(UPS)77
3 5Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)Spectroscopy78
3 5 1Basic Principle of NMR Spectroscopy78
3 5 2The Nuclear Absorption of Radiation in Magnetic Field79
3 5 3Chemical Shift80
3 5 4Spin Spin Coupling80
3 5 5Some Chemical Shifts in 1H and 13C NMR81
3 6Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR)82
3 7Circular Dichroism(CD)82
Chapter 4The Structure and Physicochemical Properties ofCoordination Complex84
4 1The Structures of Several Kinds of CoordinationComplexes84
4 1 1Organometallic Complex84
4 1 2Cluster88
4 1 3Macrocyclic Complex and Bioinorganic Complex89
4 1 4Supramolecular Assemblies Containing Transition MetalIons(Polynuclear
4 2Thermodynamic Properties95
4 2 1Thermodynamic Stability96
4 2 2Stability of Complexes97
4 2 3Calculation of Species Concentrations97
4 3Molecular Electronic Devices—Redox active CoordinationComplex98
4 3 1Concept of Molecular Electronics98
4 3 2Molecular Wires98
4 3 3Molecular Switching99
4 4Magnetic Properties of Coordination Complex100
4 4 1Magnetic States of Material101
4 4 2Interaction with an External Magnetic Field102
4 4 3Diamagnetism104
4 4 4Paramagnetism104
4 4 5Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism104
4 4 6Magnetic Behaviour of Variation with Temperature106
4 5Photochemical Properties of Coordination Complex107
4 5 1Fundamental Properties of a Photochemical Process107
4 5 2Artificial Photosynthesis108
Chapter 5Kinetics and Mechanisms of Coordination Reactions111
5 1Introductory Survey 111
5 2Reaction Mechanisms of d block Metal Complex 112
5 2 1Associative and Dissociative Reactions113
5 2 2Measurements of Rates113
5 2 3Typical Reaction Coordinates114
5 3Substitution Reactions of Coordination Complex115
5 3 1The Three Patterns of the Reaction Mechanisms115
5 3 2Substitution of Square Planar Metal Complex115
5 3 3Substitution of Octahedral Complex118
5 3 4Isomerization Reactions120
5 4Electron Transfer Reactions of Coordination Complex121
5 4 1Outer Sphere Electron Transfer121
5 4 2Inner Sphere Electron Transfer122
5 5Mechanisms of Organometallic Reactions123
5 5 1Introduction123
5 5 2Fundamental Reaction Types124
5 5 3Kinetic Rate Laws for Oxidative Addition Reaction125
5 5 4Mechanisms of Oxidative Addition Reaction126
5 5 5Migration Reaction(“Migratory Insertions”)129
5 6Elimination Reactions132
5 6 1Hydrogen Elimination Reaction132
5 6 2Reductive Hydrogen Elimination Reaction134
5 7Homogeneous Catalysis135
5 7 1Alkene Hydrogenation136
5 7 2Monsanto Acetic Acid Synthesis138
5 7 3Hydroformylation Reaction140
1 1配位化学的发展历史143
1 1 1配位化学的起源143
1 1 2现代配位化学——沃纳配位理论145
1 1 3广义配位化学——超分子化学147
1 2配合物的基本特征149
1 2 1配合物的概念149
1 2 2配体的分类151
1 2 3配位数与配位几何构型152
1 2 4不饱和配位155
1 2 5第一配位层和第二配位层155
1 3配合物的命名法156
1 4配合物的同分异构体159
1 4 1异构体的定义159
1 4 2结构异构体159
1 4 3立体异构体160
1 4 4超分子异构162
2 1化学中的对称性——群论164
2 1 1对称元素164
2 1 2对称操作164
2 1 3分子点群165
2 1 4特征标表168
2 2价键理论169
2 2 1原子轨道的杂化170
2 2 2分子形状172
2 3晶体场理论173
2 3 1八面体构型的晶体场174
2 3 2四面体构型的晶体场175
2 3 3平面正方形构型的晶体场176
2 3 4影响晶体场分裂能(Δ)大小的因素176
2 3 5晶体场理论的应用177
2 4分子轨道理论178
2 4 1分子轨道179
2 4 2分子轨道理论的基本原则180
2 5分子间的相互作用182
2 5 1静电相互作用182
2 5 2氢键183
2 5 3π π堆积184
2 5 4范德华相互作用184
3 1紫外 可见吸收光谱(UV Vis)186
3 1 1电子跃迁186
3 1 2含n、σ、π电子的物质的吸收186
3 1 3配合物的电子吸收光谱188
3 2红外光谱与拉曼光谱190
3 2 1分子的运动类型190
3 2 2配合物的红外光谱191
3 2 3拉曼效应与拉曼散射194
3 2 4拉曼选律与强度195
3 2 5极化效应196
3 3X 射线粉末衍射和单晶衍射分析法196
3 3 1衍射和布拉格定律196
3 3 2X 射线粉末衍射分析法197
3 3 3X 射线单晶衍射分析法199
3 4光电子能谱200
3 4 1X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)201
3 4 2紫外光电子能谱(UPS)204
3 5核磁共振波谱205
3 5 1NMR的基本原理205
3 5 2磁场中原子核对辐射的吸收206
3 5 3化学位移207
3 5 4自旋 自旋偶合207
3 5 5一些1H和13C NMR谱图中的化学位移207
3 6电子顺磁共振(EPR)208
3 7圆二色谱(CD)209
4 1几种类型的配合物的结构210
4 1 1金属有机化合物210
4 1 2簇合物213
4 1 3大环配合物215
4 1 4含有过渡金属离子的超分子自组装(多核配合物)219
4 2配合物的热力学性质220
4 2 1热力学稳定性220
4 2 2配合物的稳定性221
4 2 3有关物种浓度的计算221
4 3分子电子器件——氧化还原活性配合物222
4 3 1分子电子学的概念222
4 3 2分子导线222
4 3 3分子开关223
4 4配合物的磁学性质224
4 4 1物质的磁状态225
4 4 2与外磁场的相互作用225
4 4 3抗磁性227
4 4 4顺磁性227
4 4 5铁磁性、反铁磁性和亚铁磁性227
4 4 6随温度变化的磁行为228
4 5配合物的光化学性质229
4 5 1光化学过程的基本性质229
4 5 2人工光合作用230
5 1简介233
5 2d区金属配合物的反应机理234
5 2 1缔合和离解反应234
5 2 2反应速率的测量234
5 2 3典型的反应进程坐标235
5 3配合物的取代反应236
5 3 1反应机理的三种模式236
5 3 2平面正方形金属配合物的取代237
5 3 3八面体配合物的取代239
5 3 4异构化反应240
5 4配合物的电子转移反应241
5 4 1外层电子转移242
5 4 2内层电子转移242
5 5金属有机反应机理243
5 5 1简介243
5 5 2基本反应类型244
5 5 3氧化加成反应的动力学速率公式245
5 5 4氧化加成反应的机理246
5 5 5迁移反应(“迁移插入”) 248
5 6消除反应252
5 6 1氢的消除反应252
5 6 2还原脱氢反应253
5 7均相催化255
5 7 1烯烃加氢256
5 7 2Monsanto醋酸合成257
5 7 3酰氢化反应259
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