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物理化学实验 英文版 高滋 编 2005年版

  • 大小:63.48 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:化学书籍
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关键词:英文   实验   物理化学   2005   年版
物理化学实验 英文版
作者:高滋 编
Part One Introduction
 1.Course Objective
 2.Safety in the Laboratory
 3.Error Analysis
 4.Data Reporting
Part Two Experiments
Experiment 1 Molar Mass from Depression of Freezing Point
Experiment 2 Saturated Vapor Pressure of Pure Liquids
 Experiment 3 Equilibrium Constant of Dissociation Reaction
 Experiment 4 Heat of Combustion
 Experiment 5 Phase Diagram of a Binary Liquid-Vapor System
 Experiment 6 Phase Diagram of a Binary Solid-Liquid System
 Experiment 7 Differential Thermal Analysis
 Experiment 8 Measurement of Thermodynamic Function by Gas-liquid Chromatography
 Experiment 9 Equilibrium Constant of Protonation Reaction by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method
 Experiment 10 Electromotive Force of Galvanic Cells
 Experiment 11 Potential-pH Diagram
 Experiment 12 Ion Transport Number
 Experiment 13 Passivation Behavior of Ni in Sulfuric Acid Solution
 Experiment 14 The 0scillating Reaction
 Experiment 15 Rate Constant for the Conversion of Sucrose by a Polarimetric Method
 Experiment 16 The Michaelis Constant for Sucrase by a Spectrophotometric Method
 Experiment 17 Rate Consrant for the Saponification of Ethyl Acetate by a Conduetometric Method
 Experiment 18 The Rate Law of Iodination of Acetone
 Experiment 19 Gas Phase Methanol Decomposition on ZnO Catalyst
 Experiment 20 Rate Constant for Hydration of Pyruvic Acid Measured by NMR Spectroscopy
 Experiment 27 The Rheological Curve of the Non-Newtonian Fluid
 Experiment 28 Magnetic Susceptibility of Complex Compound
 Experiment 29 Dipole Moment of a Polar Molecule
 Experiment 30 X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Powdered Crystals
 Experiment 31 Infrared Spectra of Simple Molecules
Part Three Techniques and Equipments
 Chapter 1 Thermochemical Measurement Techniques
 Chapter 2 Electrochemical Measurement Techniques
 Chapter 3 Gas Chromatography
 Chapter 4 Continuous Flow Technique
 Chapter 5 Vacuum Technique
 Chapter 6 X-Ray Powder Diffraction
 Chapter 7 Temperature Control Techniques
 Chapter 8 Ultraviolet-Visible and Infrared Spectroscopy
 Chapter 9 Mass Spectrometry
Part Four Appendices
 Appendix 1 Basic RequirelTIents of Chemical Experiment for Students Majored in Chemistry and Applied Chemistrv Formulated by the Chemistry Teaching Guidance Committee for Natural Science
0f the Chinese Ministry of Education(Excerpt)
Appendix 2 List of Instruments and Equipments in Physical Chemistry LaboratoryAppendix 3 List of References for Physical Chemistry
 Appendix 4 The International System of Units(SI)
 Appendix 5 Reference Data of Experimental Physical Chemistry
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