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刮痧疗法促进举重训练恢复 英文版 王兴泽著 2017年版

  • 大小:24.39 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:健康养生
  • 更新日期:2024-04-18
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关键词:刮痧   疗法   举重
刮痧疗法促进举重训练恢复 英文版

Chapter 1 Literature Review of GUASHA 1
1.1 Know the GUASHA Therapy 2
1.2 Possible Physiological Mechanisms of Changes in Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular,Neurological, Hormonal, and Immune Systems During Weightlifting Training 11
1.3 The Possible Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms by Which GUASHA Therapy Treats the Diseases 18
1.4 GUASHA May Help Weightlifting Training in Neural and Psychological Mechanisms 25
1.5 RPE and HRV 28
Chapter 2 GUASHA Background and Rationale for Improving the Recovery of Weightlifting 30
2.1 Background and Rationale 31
2.2 Scope of the Study 32
2.3 Research Questions 33
2.4 Objective of This Study 33
2.5 Definition of Terms 33
2.6 Significance of the Study 34
2.7 Conceptual Framework of the Study 34
Chapter 3 Methodology on GUASHA Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial About Improving the Recovery of Weightlifting Training 35
3.1 Standardization of GUASHA Therapy 36
3.2 Main Study 38
Chapter 4 Study Results and Discussion on GUASHA Intervention 51
4.1 Main Study Results 52
4.2 Discussion 61
Chapter 5 Summary on the Effects of GUASHA Improving the Recovery of Weightlifting Training 69
5.1 Summary 69
5.2 Conclusion 69
References 70
Appendix A Questionnaire 78
Appendix B Certificate of Guasha Therapist 79
Appendix C Certificate of Ethical Approval of the Khon Kaen University Ethics Committee for Human Research 80
Appendix D Data Collection Form, Subject Information Form and Consent Form 83
Appendix E Additional Form 92
Appendix F Additional Data 96
Appendix G Preliminary Study 103
1. Methodology of Preliminary Study 104
2. Results of Preliminary Study 107
3. Discussion for Preliminary Study 111
4. Summary 112
Appendix H Research Publications 114
Effect of scraping therapy on weightlifting ability 116
Effects of GUASHA on heart rate variability in healthy male volunteers under normal condition and weightlifters after weightlifting training sessions 125
1. Introduction 126
2. Materials and Design 126
3. Results 128
4. Discussions 129
5. Conclusions 132
Guasha improves the rating of perceived exertion scale score and reduces heart rate variability in male weightlifters: a randomized controlled trial 136
List of Tables 149
List of Figures 151
List of Abbreviations 153
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