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Android 编程 影印版 第二版 英文

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Android 编程 影印版 第二版 英文
作 者: (美)梅德尼克斯 等著
出版时间: 2013
  《Android编程(第2版影印版)》编著者梅德尼克斯。构建设计精良的Android应用程序需要什么条件?使用这本《Android程序设计(影印版新生代移动设备的Java编程)》,深度探索Android的核心构造模块和应用程序编程接口,并且学习如何创建适用于全系列Android设备的引人注目的应用程序。你将使用经过验证的方法进行应用设计和实现——包括在你的项目起步时可用的应用程序框架。深入探究传感器、原生开发、三维图形以及其他主题,并且探索发现如何在你所选择的平台上构建应用程序。如果你是一个技能中等以上的程序员,你将学会如何制作了不起的Android应用程序。本书由Zigurd Mednieks、Laird Dornin、G. Blake Meike和Masumi Nakamura著
Part Ⅰ. Tools and Basics
1. Installing the Android SDK and Prerequisites
Installing the Android SDK and Prerequisites
The Java Development Kit (JDK)
The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
The Android SDK
Adding Build Targets to the SDK
The Android Developer Tools (ADT) Plug-in for Eclipse
Test Drive: Confirm That Your Installation Works
Making an Android Project
Making an Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Running a Program on an AVD
Running a Program on an Android Device
Troubleshooting SDK Problems: No Build Targets
Components of the SDK
The Android Debug Bridge (adb)
The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
Components of the ADT Eclipse Plug-in
Android Virtual Devices
Other SDK Tools
Keeping Up-to-Date
Keeping the Android SDK Up-to-Date
Keeping Eclipse and the ADT Plug-in Up-to-Date
Keeping the JDK Up-to-Date
Example Code
SDK Example Code
Example Code from This Book
On Reading Code
2. Java for Android
Android Is Reshaping Client-Side Java
The Java Type System
Primitive Types
Objects and Classes
Object Creation
The Object Class and Its Methods
Objects, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
Final and Static Declarations
Abstract Classes
The Java Collections Framework
Garbage Collection
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