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数字设计和计算机体系结构 英文版 第2版 ARM版 (美)莎拉·L.哈里斯著 2018年版

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数字设计和计算机体系结构 英文版 第2版 ARM版
作者: (美)莎拉·L.哈里斯著
出版时间: 2018年版
丛编项: 经典原版书库

Preface . vi

Features . vii

Online Supplements viii

How to Use the Software Tools in a Course ix

Labs ix

Bugs x

Acknowledgments xi

Chapter 1 From Zero to One 3

1.1 TheGamePlan 3

1.2 The Art of Managing Complexity . 4

1.2.1 Abstraction 4

1.2.2 Discipline 5

1.2.3 The Three-Y’s 6

1.3 The Digital Abstraction 7

1.4 Number Systems. 9

1.4.1 Decimal Numbers 9

1.4.2 Binary Numbers 9

1.4.3 Hexadecimal Numbers . 11

1.4.4 Bytes, Nibbles, and All That Jazz . 13

1.4.5 Binary Addition . 14

1.4.6 Signed Binary Numbers 15

1.5 Logic Gates 19

1.5.1 NOT Gate 20

1.5.2 Buffer 20

1.5.3 AND Gate 20

1.5.4 OR Gate . 21

1.5.5 Other Two-Input Gates 21

1.5.6 Multiple-Input Gates . 21

1.6 Beneath the Digital Abstraction 22

1.6.1 Supply Voltage 22

1.6.2 Logic Levels 22

1.6.3 Noise Margins 23

1.6.4 DC Transfer Characteristics 24

1.6.5 The Static Discipline . 24

1.7 CMOSTransistors 26

1.7.1 Semiconductors 27

1.7.2 Diodes 27

1.7.3 Capacitors 28

1.7.4 nMOS and pMOS Transistors 28

1.7.5 CMOS NOT Gate . 31

1.7.6 Other CMOS Logic Gates . 31

1.7.7 Transmission Gates 33

1.7.8 Pseudo-nMOS Logic . 33

1.8 Power Consumption 34

1.9 Summary and a Look Ahead 35

Exercises 37

Interview Questions . 52

Chapter 2 Combinational Logic Design 55

2.1 Introduction 55

2.2 BooleanEquations 58

2.2.1 Terminology 58

2.2.2 Sum-of-Products Form . 58

2.2.3 Product-of-Sums Form . 60

2.3 BooleanAlgebra 60

2.3.1 Axioms . 61

2.3.2 Theorems of One Variable . 61

2.3.3 Theorems of Several Variables 62

2.3.4 The Truth Behind It All 64

2.3.5 Simplifying Equations 65

2.4 From Logic to Gates 66

2.5 Multilevel Combinational Logic 69

2.5.1 Hardware Reduction . 70

2.5.2 Bubble Pushing 71

2.6 X’s and Z’s, Oh My 73

2.6.1 Illegal Value: X . 73

2.6.2 Floating Value: Z 74

2.7 Karnaugh Maps 75

2.7.1 Circular Thinking . 76

2.7.2 Logic Minimization with K-Maps . 77

2.7.3 Don't Cares . 81

2.7.4 The Big Picture 82

2.8 Combinational Building Blocks 83

2.8.1 Multiplexers . 83

2.8.2 Decoders . 86

2.9 Timing. 88

2.9.1 Propagation and Contamination Delay 88

2.9.2 Glitches . 92

2.10 Summary 95

Exercises 97

Interview Questions 106

Chapter 3 Sequential Logic Design 109

3.1 Introduction. 109

3.2 Latches and Flip-Flops . 109

3.2.1 SR Latch . 111

3.2.2 D Latch 113

3.2.3 D FIip-Flop . 114

3.2.4 Register . 114

3.2.5 Enabled Flip-Flop . 115

3.2.6 Resettable Flip-Flop 116

3.2.7 Transistor-Level Latch and Flip-Flop Designs 116

3.2.8 Putting It All Together . 118

3.3 Synchronous Logic Design 119

3.3.1 Some Problematic Circuits 119

3.3.2 Synchronous Sequential Circuits 120

3.3.3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits . 122

3.4 Finite State Machines 123

3.4.1 FSM Design Example 123

3.4.2 State Encodings . 129

3.4.3 Moore and Mealy Machines 132

3.4.4 Factoring State Machines . 134

3.4.5 Deriving an FSM from a Schematic . 137

3.4.6 FSM Review 140

3.5 Timing of Sequential Logic . 141

3.5.1 The Dynamic Discipline 142

3.5.2 System Timing 142

3.5.3 Clock Skew . 148

3.5.4 Metastability 151

3.5.5 Synchronizers . 152

3.5.6 Derivation of Resolution Time 154

3.6 Parallelism 157

3.7 Summary . 161

Exercises 162

Interview Questions 171

Chapter 4 Hardware Description Languages 173

4.1 Introduction. 173

4.1.1 Modules 173

4.1.2 Language Origins . 174

4.1.3 Simulation and Synthesis . 175

4.2 Combinational Logic. 177

4.2.1 Bitwise Operators . 177

4.2.2 Comments and White Space 180

4.2.3 Reduction Operators . 180

4.2.4 Conditional Assignment 181

4.2.5 Internal Variables . 182

4.2.6 Precedence 184

4.2.7 Numbers 185

4.2.8 Z’s and X’s . 186

4.2.9 Bit Swizzling 188

4.2.10 Delays 188

4.3 Structural Modeling 190

4.4 Sequential Logic . 193

4.4.1 Registers 193

4.4.2 Resettable Registers 194

4.4.3 Enabled Registers 196

4.4.4 Multiple Registers . 197

4.4.5 Latches . 198

4.5 MoreCombinationalLogic. 198

4.5.1 Case Statements . 201

4.5.2 If Statements 202

4.5.3 Truth Tables with Don’t Cares . 205

4.5.4 Blocking and Nonblocking Assi
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