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计算机专业英语 吕云翔主编 2017年版

  • 大小:37.81 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:计算机与网络
  • 更新日期:2024-03-26
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
Unit 1 Computers and Mobile Devices
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Buying a New Notebook Computer
Listening Comprehension: John von Neumann
Dictation: The Rise of Mobile Computing: The Getting-Smarter Smartphone
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Computers to Fit Every Need
Section B: Cloud Computing
Part3 Simulated Writing — Communicating with E-mail and Memos (I)
Unit 2 Hardware
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: How Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers Work
Listening Comprehension: Moore's Law
Dictation: Sensors Get Data We Never Had Before
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Microprocessors
Section B: Dreams of 3-D Printing
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Communicating with E-mail and Memos (II)
Unit 3 Software
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Making an Electronic Album Using Multimedia Editing Software
Listening Comprehension: New Technology to Replace the Mouse: The Gesture Interface
Dictation: Open Source Software
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Cloud Software
Section B: Wearable Technology
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing (I)
Unit 4 Operating Systems
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Talking about Operating Systems
Listening Comprehension: Android
Dictation: Linus Torvalds and the Software Nobody Knows
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Roles of an Operating System
Section B: Mobile versus Desktop Operating System
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing (II)
Unit 5 Computer Programming
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Getting to Know Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Listening Comprehension: IDE
Dictation: Ada Lovelace, the First Programmer
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Programming for the Web and Cloud
Section B: Alan Kay Invents the Future
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Developing Reports and Proposals (I)
Unit 6 Databases
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Why is big data a challenge
Listening Comprehension: Data Mining
Dictation: Data Warehouse
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Cloud Databases
Section B: Big Data
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Developing Reports and Proposals (II)
Unit 7 Computer Network and Internet
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Setting up Wireless Network
Listening Comprehension: IPv6—the Next Generation Internet Protocol
Dictation: Router
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Arpanet Pioneers Build a Reliable Network Out of Unreliable Parts
Section B: The Internet of Things
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Writing for Employment (I)
Unit 8 The Internet and World Wide Web
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Knowing the Myth about the Internet
Listening Comprehension: How a World-Shaking Technology Came About: Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web
Dictation: How Web Search Engines Work
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Mobile Internet
Section B: Social Networking Sites
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Writing for Employment (II)
Unit 9 E-commerce
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Protecting Buyer’s Privacy with Online Payment Services
Listening Comprehension: Social Commerce
Dictation: Mobile Payment
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Online Checkout and Payment Services
Section B: Why Online2Offline Commerce Is A Trillion Dollar Opportunity
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Writing Professional Letters (I)
Unit 10 Computer Security and Privacy
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Enhancing Your Computer Security
Listening Comprehension: Hacker and Cracker
Dictation: Trojan Horses
Part 2 Reading and Translating
Section A: Protecting Your Information Online
Section B: Security Attacks
Part 3 Simulated Writing — Writing Professional Letters (II)
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