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流利的Python语言 影印版 (巴西)卢西亚诺 拉马略(Luciano Ramalho)著 2017年版

  • 大小:268.38 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 阅读软件: Adobe Reader
流利的Python语言 影印版
作者: (巴西)卢西亚诺 拉马略(Luciano Ramalho)著
  Python的简洁让你可以快速达到高产水平,但是 这通常意味着你并没有用到它提供的所有功能特性。有了卢西亚诺·拉马略*的《流利的Python语言(影 印版)(英文版)》这本容易上手的指南,你将学会 如何利用那些十分**但很容易被忽视的特性来编写 有效且通顺的Python代码。作者Luciano Ramalho将 带领你们遍历Python的核心语言特性和程序库,并展 示精简代码、优化速度和可读性的方法。很多富有经验的程序员尝试将Python扭曲成适合 他们从其他语言中学到的模式,而从未发现超出他们 经验的Python特性。通过这本书,那些Python程序员 将完全学会如何高效率地使用Python 3。
PrefacePart I. Prologue1. The Python Data Model A Pythonic Card Deck How Special Methods Are Used Emulating Numeric Types String Representation Arithmetic Operators Boolean Value of a Custom Type Overview of Special Methods Why len Is Not a Method Chapter Summary Further ReadingPart II. Data Structures2. An Array of Sequences Overview of Built-In Sequences List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions List Comprehensions and Readability Listcomps Versus map and filter Cartesian Products Generator Expressions Tuples Are Not Just Immutable Lists Tuples as Records Tuple Unpacking Nested Tuple Unpacking Named Tuples Tuples as Immutable Lists Slicing Why Slices and Range Exclude the Last Item Slice Objects Multidimensional Slicing and Ellipsis Assigning to Slices Using and * with Sequences Building Lists of Lists Augmented Assignment with Sequences A = Assignment Puzzler list.sort and the sorted Built-In Function Managing Ordered Sequences with bisect Searching with bisect Inserting with bisect.insort When a List Is Not the Answer Arrays Memory Views NumPy and SciPy Deques and Other Queues Chapter Summary Further Reading3. Dictionaries and Sets Generic Mapping Types dict Comprehensions Overview of Common Mapping Methods Handling Missing Keys with setdefault Mappings with Flexible Key Lookup defaultdict: Another Take on Missing Keys The___ missing___ Method Variations of dict Subclassing UserDict Immutable Mappings Set Theory set Literals Set Comprehensions Set Operations dict and set Under the Hood A Performance Experiment Hash Tables in Dictionaries ……Part III. Functions as ObjectsPart IV. Object-OrientedldiomsPart V. Control FlowPart VI. MetaprogrammingAfterwordA. Support ScriptsPython JargonIndex
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