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英语学术讲座与交流 1 王哲 主编 2018年版

  • 大小:28.11 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2023-10-16
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:讲座   英语   学术   交流   王哲
英语学术讲座与交流 1
作者:王哲 主编

Chapter 1 Language and Education
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-lecture 1: Non-verbal Communication
Part III Mini-lecture 2: Course Content and Graduate Employability
Part IV Main Lecture: How Language Shapes the Way We Think
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 2 Stress and Depression
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-lecture 1 : Stress
Part III Mini-lecture 2: Don't Suffer from Your Depression in Silence
Part IV Main Lecture: How to Deal with Stress
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 3 Health and Life
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-discussion: Nutrition and Eating Healthy
Part III Mini-lecture: The Brain Benefits of Deep Sleep
Part IV Main Lecture: Drink Your Green Tea
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 4 Leadership and Motivation
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-discussion: Multiple Intelligences
Part III Mini-lecture: Leadership Traits
Part IV Main Lecture: What Really Motivates People to Be Honest in Business?
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 5 Science and Technology
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-lecture: An Application of Nanotechnology
Part III Mini-discussion: Accidental Discovery
Part IV Main Lecture: The Role of Human Emotions in Science and Research
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 6 British Society
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-lecture 1 : English Legal System
Part III Mini-lecture 2: More British Adults Living with Parents
Part IV Main Lecture: Why Brexit Happened and What to Do Next?
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 7 Global Issues
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-lecture 1 : How Non-state Armed Groups Stay in Power?
Part III Mini-lecture 2: The UN and International Security
Part IV Main Lecture: A Degrowth Model of Economy
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 8 World Literature
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-discussion 1 : Tony Morrison
Part III Mini-discussion 2: Romeo and Juliet
Part IV Main Lecture: The Politics of Fiction
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Chapter 9 Advertising and Media
Part I Warm-up
Part II Mini-discussion: Ads on the Move
Part III Mini-lecture: The Power of Social Media
Part IV Main Lecture: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google Manipulate Our Emotions
Part V Projects and Presentations
Part VI Vocabulary and Notes

Appendix 1 Key to Exercises
Chapter 1 Language and Education
Chapter 2 Stress and Depression
Chapter 3 Health and Life
Chapter 4 Leadership and Motivation
Chapter 5 Science and Technology
Chapter 6 British Society
Chapter 7 Global Issues
Chapter 8 World Literature
Chapter 9 Advertising and Media

Appendix 2 Transcripts
Chapter 1 Language and Education
Chapter 2 Stress and Depression
Chapter 3 Health and Life
Chapter 4 Leadership and Motivation
Chapter 5 Science and Technology
Chapter 6 British Society
Chapter 7 Global Issues
Chapter 8 World Literature
Chapter 9 Advertising and Media
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