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全新版大学英语 第二版 长篇阅读 1 郭杰克 主编 2015年版

  • 大小:23.82 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-01
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:全新版   大学英语
全新版大学英语 第二版 长篇阅读 1
作者:郭杰克 主编
出版时间: 2015年版
Unit 1 Text - 1 Preparing for College: Insights from My Freshman Year
Text - 2 Tips for First-Year Students
Text - 3 Why Young Americans Want a College Degree
Text - 4 Visitas Memories
Unit 2 Text - 1 How Going to College Made Me Discover My Real Friends
Text - 2 Crimson Ties
Text - 3 Black and White
Text - 4 Friendship
Unit 3 Text - 1 Some Facts about Stephen Hawking
Text - 2 5 Lessons Steve Jobs Left Behind
Text - 3 What Would Happen If All Satellites Stopped Working?
Text - 4 The Scientific Method
Unit 4 Text - 1 America Is More Patchwork Quilt Than Melting Pot
Text - 2 Andrew Carnegie
Text - 3 Nicola Tesla
Text - 4 I. M. Pei
Unit 5 Text - 1 What I Learned in the Shoe Store
Text - 2 The Waitress
Text - 3 The Face in the Window
Text - 4 The Death Car
Unit 6 Text - 1 My Love Story, before Social Networks
Text - 2 Internet Love Can Work
Text - 3 7 Very Unique Movies about Unrequited Love for Valentine's Day
Text - 4 Home Is Where the Heart Is
Unit 7 Text - 1 Muting the Mozart Effect
Text - 2 Humans Are More Than Clever Apes? Don't Make Me Laugh
Text - 3 Natural and Applied Science
Text - 4 Do Animals Think?
Unit 8 Text - 1 Learning Curves on the Career Path
Text - 2 What Is the Future of Technology in Education
Text - 3 Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald's
Text - 4 Continuing Education Classes
Appendix Key to Comprehension Exercises
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