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中国大学英语考试阅读部分构念效度研究 桂敏著 2012年版

  • 大小:16.19 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-02
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关键词:阅读   英语考试   大学   研究   中国
出版时间: 2012年版
List of TablesList of FiguresChapter I Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 A Brief Introduction to the CET 1.3 Conceptualizing Reading and Reading Ability 1.3.1 Fit Language Reading Research 1.3.2 Conceptualizing L2 Reading and Reading Ability 1.4 Assessing Reading Ability 1.4.I Purposes and Models of Reading Assessment 1.4.2 Qualities of L2 Reading Assessment 1.5 A Validity Argument for Reading Assessments 1.6 Research Questio 1.7 Components Selected to Estimate Reading Ability in the Present Study 1.8 Confirmatory Models for Reading AbilityChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Yang & Weir's (1998) Validation Study of the NationalCollege English Test 2.2 Studies on the CET Spoken English Test (CET-SET) 2.3 Studies on the CET Listening Section 2.4 Studies on the CET Reading Section 2.5 Studies on the CET Writing Section 2.6 Studies on the CET Tralation Section 2.7 Studies on the Coequential Validity of the CETChapter 3 Research Methods 3.1 Recruitment of Participants 3.2 Itruments 3.2.1 The Itrument for Measuring Word Recognition 3.2.2 The Itrument for Measuring Working Memory 3.2.3 The Itrument for Measuring Semantic Knowledge 3.2.4 The Itrument for Syntactic Knowledge 3.2.5 The Itrument for Discoue Knowledge 3.2.6 The Itrument for Measuring Metacognitive Reading StrategyUse 3.3 Data Collection 3.3.1 Administration of the Six Itruments for Measuring ReadingComponents 3.3.2 Collection of the Scores in the CET Reading Section 3.4 Data Analysis 3.4.1 Software 3.4.2 Number of Items for Each Participant 3.4.3 Scoring Methods for the Word Recognition Task 3.4.4 Scoring Methods for the Working Memory Task 3.4.5 Scoring Methods for the Semantic Knowledge Measurement Task 3.4.6 Scoring Methods for Syntactic Knowledge Measurement Task 3.4.7 Scoring Methods for Discoue Knowledge Measurement Tasks 3.4.8 Scoring Methods for Metacognitive Reading Strategy UseMeasurement Tasks 3.5 Variable Index 3.6 Statistical Procedures 3.6.1 Item-Level Data Analysis 3.6.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 3.6.3 Structural Equation Modeling Analysis 3.6.4 Model Evaluation 3.6.5 Model Modification and RespccificationChapter 4 Results 4.1 Missing Data Treatment 4.2 Participants 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of the Six Itruments 4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics of the Word Recognition Measurement 4.3.2 Reliability of the Word Recognition Measurement 4.3.3 Descriptive Statistics for the Working Memory Measurement 4.3.4 Reliability of the Working Memory Measurement 4.3.5 Descriptive Statistics for the Semantic KnowledgeMeasurement 4.3.6 Reliability of the Semantic Knowledge Measurement 4.3.7 Descriptive Statistics for the Syntactic KnowledgeMeasurement 4.3.8 Reliability of the Syntactic Knowledge Measurement 4.3.9 Descriptive Statistics for the Discoue KnowledgeMeasurement 4.3.10 Reliability of the Discoue Knowledge Measurement 4.3.11 Descriptive Statistics for the Measurement ofMetacognitivc Reading Strategy Use 4.3.12 Reliability of the Measurement of Metacognitive ReadingStrategy Use 4.4 Descriptive Statistics for the Scores in the CET ReadingSection 4.5 Indicato of Word Recognition and Working Memory Variables 4.6 Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Nine Observed Variables 4.6.1 Model Specification 4.6.2 Model Identification 4.6.3 Data Summary 4.6.4 Model Estimation and Evaluation 4.6.5 Model Respecification 4.6.6 Parameter Estimates Interpretation 4.7 Competing CFA Models 4.7.1 Six-observed-variable CFA Model for Reading Ability 4.7.2 High Order CFA Model 1 for Reading Ability 4.7.3 Higher Order CFA Model 2 for Reading Ability 4.8 Full Latent Variable Structural Model Analysis 4.8.1 Model Specification 4.8.2 Model Identification 4.8.3 Data Summary 4.8.4 Model Estimation and Evaluation 4.8.5 Parameter Estimates InterpretationChapter 5 Conclusion 5.1 Cotruct Validity of the CET Reading Section as Revealed in thePresent Study 5.2 Implicatio for Validation Studies of the CET 5.3 The Components of Reading Ability 5.4 Implicatio for L2 Reading Theories 5.4.1 The Component Skills of L2 Reading 5.4.2 Lower-level Processing Efficiency of L2 Reading 5.5 Implicatio for L2 Reading Pedagogy 5.6 Implicatio for L2 Reading Assessment 5.7 A Discussion of the Itruments for Measuring Word Recognitionand Working Memory 5.8 Limitatio 5.9 Future Research 5.10 ConclusionAppendix A Participant Recruitment Flyer (Chinese Veion)Appendix B Participant Recruitment Flyer (English Veion)Appendix C Peonal Information Sheet (Chinese Veion)Appendix D Peonal Information Sheet (English Veion)Appendix E Measurement of Word RecognitionAppendix F Measurement of Working MemoryAppendix G Measurement of Semantic KnowledgeAppendix H Measurement of Syntactic KnowledgeAppendix I Measurement of Discoue KnowledgeAppendix J Measurement of Metacognitive Strategy in ReadingReferences
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