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中国小学英语教材语法可学性评估 唐晓菲 2018年版

  • 大小:38.61 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-02
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《中国小学英语教材语法可学性评估》运用当今国际第二语言习得研究领域具有重要影响力的理论一一语言可加工性理论(Proces—sabilitvTheory)对中国国内小学英语教材的语法教学内容进行了较为系统地评估与分析,为教材的评估研究领域提供了以第二语言习得规律为基础的创新性方法,同时也对当前小学英语教材语法教学内容存在的局限性进行了较为系统地探讨,最后提出了一系列具有实际教学法意义的改进建议。《中国小学英语教材语法可学性评估》既为我国小学英语教学及教材编写提供了科学理论依据,又将语言可加工性理论的应用进行了延伸,是一本兼具理论入门与实际应用作用的指导性学术专著。 [1]
Chapter 1 Introduction: Research Statement and Chapter Outline
1.1 Research statement: Aim, question, and motivations
1.2 Chapter outline
Chapter 2 Why Do We Need to Consider Learnability of Grammar?
2.1 The role of input in language learning
2.2 The role of grammar in L2 learning
2.3 Do we need to teach grammar?
2.3.1 The 'zero-impact' position
2.3.2 The modest-impact position
2.3.3 The potentially-beneficial position
2.4 How should we teach grammar?
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Review of Textbook Evaluation Research
3.1 Predictive evaluation
3.2 Retrospective evaluation
3.3 Conversation analysis-based evaluation
3.4 SLA-based evaluation
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 L2 Acquisitional Sequence and Processability Theory
4.1 SLA research on the sequence of L2 acquisition
4.1.1 Morpheme order studies
4.1.2 The ZISA study on GSL word order
4.2 Processability Theory: Theoretical bases and tenets
4.2.1 Theoretical bases
4.2.2 The tenets of PT
4.2.3 Hierarchy of L2 processing procedures
4.3 The development of English as a second language
4.3.1 Morphological development
4.3.2 Syntactic development
4.3.3 Empirical support for the hypothesized ESL development
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Textbook Analysis: Methodology and Results
5.1 Method of textbook analysis
5.2 The textbooks
5.2.1 New Standard English (Chen & Ellis, 2012)
5.2.2 People's Education Press English (Wu,2012)
5.2.3 Super Kids (Liu et al. , 2012)
5.2.4 Join in (Zhang, 2014)
5.3 Results of the textbook analysis
5.3.1 Grading of morphological items
5.3.2 Grading of syntactic structures
5.3.3 Comparison and summary: The main results of the four textbook series
Chapter 6 Discussion: Learnability and Pedagogical Implications
6.1 Summary of the key findings
6.2 The ordering of grammatical structures and learners' developmental readiness
6.3 Presence of the structures within a same stage: Two pairs of contrasts
6.4 Explanation for the ordering of grammatical structures: Theme-based textbook de-sign
6.4.1 Theme-based compilation in the four textbook series
6.4.2 Explanation for acquisition-based orderings at the initial two stages
6.4.3 Explanation for deviant orderings at later stages
6.5 Implication of premature instruction on L2 acquisition
6.5.1 'Avoidance' or 'omission' strategy
6.5.2 Rote-learned formulae
6.6 Reconsidering instructed SLA and textbook development
6.7 Suggestions for grammar instruction in textbooks
6.8 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Comment
7.1 Summary of findings
7.2 Significance and contribution
7.3 Limitations and suggestions for future improvement
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