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优等生英语 40分钟小试卷 高一英语 N版 复旦大学附中高一英语备课组编著 2009年版

  • 大小:6.76 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-02
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:备课   试卷   英语   复旦大学   40分钟
优等生英语 40分钟小试卷 高一英语 N版
出版时间: 2009年版
The Ivy League is the name applied to an association of eight private universities and colleges in the northeast United States, comprising Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.
The term Ivy League can trace its roots to 1935, but the term really gained
national attention starting in 1954. Ivy League schools consistently place among the top 20 in the US News college and university rankings; they rank among the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment. Maybe the name comes from a legend that Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton set up a league earlier, so the four universities were called "IV League" . If the Roman numeral IV is looked as English letters, it can be pronounced as the similar pronunciation as the word "ivy" in English.
The advantage of Ivy League universities is that they have many world-famous
professors, and also have an illustrious academic heritage. Though they have very high admission standards, the Ivy League universities are still the places where many outstanding students desire to attend. They are a haven for the country's top-tier students and facu!ty; and they are perceived to be socially elite.
目  录
Term 1
Evaluation Examination
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Mid-term Examination
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Final Examination
Term 2
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Mid-term Examination
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Final Examination
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