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新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材 修订版 阅读教程 3 学生用书 第2版 蒋静仪著 2018年版

  • 大小:97.59 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-03
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:修订版   教程   本科生   阅读   3   蒋静仪著
新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材 修订版 阅读教程 3 学生用书 第2版
丛编项: 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材
  《阅读教程(3 学生用书 第2版 修订版)/新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材》由蒋静仪主编,为我社“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)”——“专业技能”板块《阅读教程》第3册的修订本。部分课文内容替换更新,练习补充,注释更新。本次整合改版并重新设计装帧后出版,以更好地适应市场需求。第3册供大学三年级学生使用。

Unit 1 Family and Marriage
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: The Wink
Reading Two: When Feathers Fly
Reading Three: The Odd Couple
Reading Four: Why I Want a Wife
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 2 School and Education
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One. What True Education Should Do
Reading Two: Angels on a Pin
Reading Three: In Praise of the F Word
Reading Four: U.S. Kids Need More School Time
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 3 Internet and Lifestyle
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: Dating Online
Reading Two: Cry for Help on the Intemet
Reading Three: On the Intemet, We All Own a Press
Reading Four: Supreme Court Against Net Censorship
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 4 Common Sense or Legal Intervention(Smoking)
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: The Butt Stops Here
Reading Two: The Way to Save Millions of Lives Is to Prevent Smoking
Reading Three: Hollywood Writer Changes the Script on Smoking
Reading Four: Public Smoking D Common Sense for the Common Good
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 5 Computers and Technology
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: Computers of the '90s: A Brave New World
Reading Two: Love Those Wearables!
Reading, Three: Why I Won't Buy a Computer
Reading Four: It's January 1,2000, and Your Hard Drive Is Clueless
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 6 Man and Environment
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: The Garbage Crisis
Reading Two: Exposure to Chemicals and Human Fertility
Reading Three: Tropical Forests and You
Reading Four: Saving Nature, but Only for Man
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 7 TV and Its Influence
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: When Television Ate My Best Friend
Reading Two: How Parents Can Lessen the Effects of Television Violence
Reading Three: Why You Watch What You Watch When You Watch
Reading Four: TV Addiction
Section Three Post-reading

Unit 8 Love and Be Loved ( Genuine Love)
Section One Pre-reading
Section Two In-reading
Reading One: Genuine Love
Reading Two: A Cherished Gift
Reading Three: Friends and Lovers
Reading Four: Genuine Love: Challenge Conquered with Growth
Section Three Post-reading

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