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新思路大学英语 大学英语阅读教程 第1册 第3版 蔡昌卓总主编;何玲,黄文敏主编 2018年版

  • 大小:33.65 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-03
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:教程   阅读   大学英语   新思路   第1册   第3版
新思路大学英语 大学英语阅读教程 第1册 第3版
丛编项: 新思路大学英语
Unit 1 Reading Skill
Text A Suggestions for Improving Reading Speed
Text B How to Read with Better Understanding
Text C How to Improve Your Reading Skills
Unit 2 Speech
Text A How to Make an Effective Speech in Public
Text B Dream
Text C Leonardo’s Speech on International Day of Peace
Unit 3 Travel
Text A Travel to Hawaii, the Right Way
Text B Things to Do in New Zealand
Text C 7 Reasons You Should Travel while You’re Young
Unit 4 Study Abroad
Text A Returning from Study Abroad, Students Face More Trouble than They Expected
Text B Why Study Abroad?
Text C Should You, or Should You Not Study Abroad
Unit 5 Food Security
Text A Food Safety — Our Top Concern
Text B Australia’s Food Insecurity is Now at Crisis Point
Text C Will China’s New Food Safety Rules Work?
Unit 6 Campus Life
Text A Getting Ready for College Now Means Cleaning up Your Online Footprint
Text B Living in the U.K.
Text C Tips on How to Spend Your College Life
Unit 7 Science
Text A Dolphin Helps Children with Mental Disabilities
Text B Chinese Scientists Have Successfully Cloned Monkeys
Text C China’s Big Streaming Shift: Paying Instead of Pirating
Unit 8 Transportation
Text A Transportation in Australia
Text B Dangerous Winter Driving
Text C Pedal Power Revival in China as Bike-share Apps Race for Glory
Unit 9 Online Shopping
Text A Online Shopping
Text B Growing of E-commerce and Problems Arisen
Text C A New Era of Shopping
Unit 10 Sports
Text A Olympic Sports
Text B NBA
Text C Chinese Martial Arts
Reference Answers
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