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新时代大学英语阅读教程 2 傅超波,张菁总主编,郑金海主编 2020年版

  • 大小:39.65 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-03
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:教程   阅读   英语   大学   时代   郑金海主编
新时代大学英语阅读教程 2
出版时间: 2020年版
Unit 1 Folk Culture
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 2 Chinese Calligraphy
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 4 Tea Culture
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 5 Traditional Chinese Games and Sports
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 6 Chinese Health Preservation
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 7 Traditional Chinese Opera
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading

Unit 8 The Chinese Language
Part Ⅰ Intensive Reading
Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading
Part Ⅲ In-depth Reading
Part Ⅳ Appreciative Reading
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