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英语听力教程 2 学生用书 第3版 张民伦主编;张锷副主编 2014年版

  • 大小:24.23 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:教育学习
  • 更新日期:2024-04-03
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英语听力教程 2 学生用书 第3版
作者: 张民伦主编;张锷副主编
出版时间: 2014年版
  《英语听力教程2(学生用书 第三版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》共包括11个单元,每单元分为6个部分。
  《英语听力教程2(学生用书 第三版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》内容主要包括准备性练习、单项技能和相关微技能训练、与本单元内容相关专题领域内的热门话题或科技新发展介绍,以及挑战性较强的真实录音材料练习。通过每单元的综合训练,全面提高学生的英语听力水平。
Unit 1 Under the Same Roof
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Radio phone-in
Part Ⅲ Family life then and now
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Changing Roles
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Freedom or Discipline?
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 2 A Sweet, Sweet Home
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ The dream house
Part Ⅲ Flat hunting
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Property Prices
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Housing Complaints
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 3 Seize the School Days
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ The teacher I remember best
Part Ⅲ Children of a decade
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: School Report
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Study Habits
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 4 Education Matters
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Home schooling
Part Ⅲ UK or US education?
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Co-educational or Segregated Schools?
Part Ⅴ Memory test: PISA
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 5 Choice Versus Chance
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Summer jobs
Part Ⅲ Jobs: my idea of hell, my idea of heaven
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: My Line of Work
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Job Opening
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 6 The ⅠnterⅥewer's Eye
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Two girls talking on the phone
Part Ⅲ A good interⅥew
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: The InterⅥewer's Eye
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Who'll Get the Job?
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 7 About Yourself
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ The digestⅣe system and diarrhea
Part Ⅲ Ⅰmmunity
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Why Do I Catch Colds?
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Dental Health
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 8 Are You Fit and Healthy?
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Stress and catching colds
Part Ⅲ "So you wanna keep fit, huh?"
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Subhealth
Part Ⅴ Memory test: How to Keep Your Liver Healthy
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 9 Sportsmanship and Championship
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ Yoga exercises
Part Ⅲ Match of the day
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Sportsmanship
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Which Sport?
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

Unit 10 "Have Fun!"
Part Ⅰ Getting ready
Part Ⅱ What's on the box?
Part Ⅲ Tourist information
Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Party Games
Part Ⅴ Memory test: Entertainment Announcements
Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit
Part Ⅶ Watch and enjoy

unit 11 ReⅥew
Activity Ⅰ Children's jokes
Activity Ⅱ Do you believe it?
Activity Ⅲ Hope you don't mind my asking
Activity Ⅳ Visiting Britain
Activity Ⅴ You and your community
Activity Ⅵ History of encyclopedias
Activity Ⅶ Men and women
Activity Ⅷ Watch and enjoy

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