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剑桥太阳城 商务英语教程 高级 教师用书 第2版 (英)GuyBrook-Hart著 2018年版

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  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 阅读软件: Adobe Reader
剑桥太阳城 商务英语教程 高级 教师用书 第2版
  《剑桥太阳城 商务英语教程:教师用书(第2版)》分为初、中、高三个级别。 本书每个单元都提供了详细的教学指导建议,方便教师备课。列示学生用书中各单元的练习与BEC考试中各题型的对应关系,使考生明确备考方向。附有学生用书中练习题的答案及BEC考试真题答案。另外,书中还包含了丰富的可影印的资料,如课堂补充活动和案例分析,并附有教学建议和答案。
目 录

Acknowledgements /5

Introduction /6


Unit 1: Corporate culture

Exam reference and unit notes /8

Photocopiable activity: Time management /9

Answer key /12

Transcript /12

Unit 2: Leaders and managers

Exam reference and unit notes /13

Photocopiable activity: Management problems /14

Answer key /16

Transcripts /17

Unit 3: Internal communications

Exam reference and unit notes /18

Photocopiable activity: Bad bosses /19

Answer key /21

Transcript /23

Unit 4: Chairing meetings

Exam reference and unit notes /24

Photocopiable activity: Case study: Spenfeld /25

Answer key /28

Transcript /29

Competitive advantage

Unit 5: Customer relationships

Exam reference and unit notes /30

Photocopiable activity: Case study: Curiosity Tours /31

Answer key /34

Transcript /36

Unit 6: Competitive advantage

Exam reference and unit notes /37

Photocopiable activity 1: Attention to pricing /38

Photocopiable activity 2: The competitive advantage game /40

Answer key /44

Transcripts /45

Unit 7: A proposal

Exam reference and unit notes /46

Photocopiable activity 1: Relocating /47

Photocopiable activity 2: Compound nouns quiz /48

Answer key /49

Transcript /50

Unit 8: Presenting at meetings

Exam reference and unit notes /51

Photocopiable activity 1: Catalina’s presentation /52

Photocopiable activity 2: A proposal for marketing ice-cream /53

Answer key /54

Transcript /55

Advertising and sales

Unit 9: Advertising and customers

Exam reference and unit notes /56

Photocopiable activity: Case study: Country Club 366 /57

Answer key /59

Transcript /60

Unit 10: Advertising and the Internet

Exam reference and unit notes /61

Photocopiable activity: Case study: Fred-Winter-Homes /62

Answer key /64

Transcripts /65

Unit 11: Sales reports

Exam reference and unit notes /67

Photocopiable activity: A sales report /68

Photocopiable sample answer: A sales report /70

Answer key /71

Transcript /72

Unit 12: The sales pitch

Exam reference and unit notes /73

Photocopiable activity: Breakthrough performance /74

Answer key /75

Transcripts /77


Unit 13: Forecasts and results

Exam reference and unit notes /79

Photocopiable activity: Investigating a company /80

Answer key /81

Transcript /82

Unit 14: Financing the arts

Exam reference and unit notes /84

Photocopiable activity: Business options /85

Answer key /87

Transcripts /87

Unit 15: Late payers

Exam reference and unit notes /90

Photocopiable activity 1: Letter-writing quiz /91

Photocopiable activity 2: Useful phrase for letters /93

Answer key /95

Transcripts /96

Unit 16: Negotiating a lease

Exam reference and unit notes /97

Photocopiable activity: Negotiation strategy: avoiding pitfalls /98

Answer key /99

Transcripts /100

The work environment

Unit 17: Workplace atmosphere

Exam reference and unit notes /102

Photocopiable activity: Attitudes to work /103

Answer key /104

Transcript /105

Unit 18: The workforce of the future

Exam reference and unit notes /107

Photocopiable activity: Women in senior management /108

Answer key /110

Transcripts /111

Unit 19: Productivity

Exam reference and unit notes /113

Photocopiable activity: Constraints on productivity /114

Answer key /116

Transcript /117

Unit 20: Staff negotiations

Exam reference and unit notes /119

Photocopiable activity: Negotiating points /120

Answer key /122

Transcripts /123

Corporate relationships

Unit 21: Corporate ethics

Exam reference and unit notes /126

Teacher’s Resource Book activity: Business quiz /127

Answer key /130

Transcript /131

Unit 22: Expanding abroad

Exam reference and unit notes /132

Photocopiable activity: The investment game /133

Answer key /134

Transcripts /134

Unit 23: An overseas partnership

Exam reference and unit notes /136

Answer key /137

Transcripts /138

Unit 24: A planning conference

Exam reference and unit notes /139

Photocopiable activity: Giving short presentations /140

Answer key /143

Transcripts /144

Exam skills and Exam practice

Answer key /145

Transcripts /149

Appendix: The common European Framework /155

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