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国外优秀物理著作原版系列 量子力学与经典力学之间的联系在原子、分子及电动力学系统建模中的应用 英文版 (罗)波帕(A Popa) 著 2016年版

  • 大小:24.81 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:力学书籍
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关键词:分子   原子   英文   中的   应用
国外优秀物理著作原版系列 量子力学与经典力学之间的联系在原子、分子及电动力学系统建模中的应用 英文版
作者:(罗)波帕(A Popa) 著
出版时间: 2016年版
丛编项: 国外优秀物理著作原版系列
  《量子力学与经典力学之间的联系在原子、分子及电动力学系统建模中的应用(英文)》的内容有原子系统的1波模型,分子系统的2波模型,非常强的电磁束,电子和原子之间的相对论相互作用产生的谐波的3个建模特性等。另有附录对修正项计划计算细节和Mathematica 7的程序。
1 Wave Model for Atomic Systems
1.1 General COnsiderations
1.2 Solution for Helium—Like Systems
1.3 Evaluation of the Correction Term Emls
1.4 Solution for Lithium Like Systems
1.5 Geometric Symmetries and Periodic Solutions of the Hamilton—Jacobi Equation 1.6 Typical Applications
1.7 A More General Method Applied to the Nitrogen Atom 1.8 General Relations Derived for the Central Field Method
2 Wave Model for Molecular Systems
2.1 General COnsideratiOns
2.2 Calculations of the Ca Curves C0rrespOnding to Single Double and Triple Bonds Of Homonuclear Molecules and to Ionic and Covalent Bonds of HeterOnuclear Molecules
2.3 Calculations of Geometric Parameters of Diatomic Molecules 2.4 Analytical Method Used to Calculate the Energetic Values of Diatomic Molecules 2.5 Typical Applications
3 Modeling Properties of Harmonics Generated by Relativistic Interactions Between Very Intense Electromagnetic Beams,Electrons and Atoms
3.1 General Considerations
3.2 Radiations Generated at the Interactions Between Very Intense Laser Beams and Electron Plasmas 3.3 Hard Radiations Generated at the Head on Collision Between Very Intense Laser Beam and Relativistic
Electron Beam
3.4 Effects in Collisions at Arbitrary Angles Between Verv
Intense OL or πL Polarized Laser Beams,and Relativistic Electron Beams
3.5 Calculation of the Harmonic Spectrum of the Radiations Generated at the Interaction Between
Very Intense Laser Beams and Atoms
Appendix A:Details of Calculation of the Correction Term Emls
Appendix B:Mathematica 7 Programs
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