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环境致裂的多尺度损伤 英文版 薛昌明,涂善东,王正东 主编 2005年版

  • 大小:56.47 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:力学书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-01-30
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关键词:昌明   损伤   尺度   英文   正东
环境致裂的多尺度损伤 英文版
作者:薛昌明,涂善东,王正东 主编
Copyright and Reprint Permission:All right are reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced.stored in as retrieval system,or transmitted in any means,electronic,mechanical,photo-copying or otherwise,without the prior permission of East China University of Science and Technology Press and Editors,G.C.Sih,S.T.Tu adn Z.D.Wang.The chapters are reproduced with permission form the individual authors.
目  录
From the editors
Communication forum
I.Interview with Dr.Kai-Jia Cheng
II.Interview with Professor Emmanuel E.Gdoutos
III.Interview with Professor Alberto Carpinteri
Multiscale cracking aggravated by environment:effects of electron behavior on local chemistry
Scaling of thermal damage of cementitious materials
Fatigue life prediction of U-rib to crossbeam joints using strain energy density factor approach
Research on corrosion fatigue of tube-to-tubesheet weld joint
Estimation of threshold value for stress corrosion cracking of typical steel for pressure vessel under wet H2S environment
Processing and mechanical properties of porous 316L stainless steel for artificial hip joints
Combine emission of edge and screw dislocations form micro-crack caused by residual stresses in and out-of the plane
Effect of micro-scale residual antiplane stress on crack behavior in viscoelastic medium
J-integral method of FEM in calculation of SCC
Constitutive relation and evolution equation of power hardening material fatigue damage
Time-dependent deformation in cracked SUS304 steel at room temperature and its effects on fatigue crack growth
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