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弹性力学 英文版 谭建国,徐荣桥 编著 2019年版

  • 大小:43.96 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:力学书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-04-16
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关键词:英文   弹性力学
弹性力学 英文版
作者: 谭建国,徐荣桥 编著
Chapter 1 Mathematical Prerequisites

1.1 Index Notation

1.1.1 Range convention

1.1.2 Summation convention

1.1.3 The Kronecker delta

1.1.4 The permutation symbol

1.2 Vector Operations and Some Useful Integral Theorems

1.2.1 The scalar product of two vectors

1.2.2 The vector product of two vectors

1.2.3 The scalar triple product

1.2.4 The gradient of a scalar function

1.2.5 The divergence of a vector function

1.2.6 The curl of a vector function

1.2.7 Laplacian of a scalar function

1.2.8 Divergence theorem (Gauss's theorem)

1.2.9 Stokes' theorem

1.2.10 Green's theorem

1.3 Cartesian Tensors and Transformation Laws

Problems 1

Chapter 2 Analysis of Stress

2.1 Continuum

2.2 Forces

2.3 Cauchy's Formula

2.4 Equations of Equilibrium

2.5 Stress as a Second-order Tensor

2.6 Principal Stresses

2.7 Maximum Shears

2.8 Yields Criteria

Problems 2

Chapter 3 Analysis of Strain

3.1 Differential Element Considerations

3.2 Linear Deformation and Strain

3.3 Strain as a Second-order Tensor

3.4 Principal Strains and Strain Measurement

3.5 Compatibility Equations

3.6 Finite Deformation

Problems 3

Chapter 4 Linear Elastic Materials, Framework of Problems of Elasticity

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Uniaxial Stress-Strain Relations of Linear Elastic Materials

4.3 Hooke's Law

4.3.1 Isotropic materials

4.3.2 Orthotropic materials

4.3.3 Transversely isotropic materials

4.4 Generalized Hooke's Law

4.5 Elastic Constants as Components of a Fourth-order Tensor

4.6 Elastic Symmetry

4.6.1 One plane of elastic symmetry (monoclinic material)

4.6.2 Two planes of elastic symmetry

4.6.3 Three planes of elastic symmetry (orthotropic material)

4.6.4 An axis of elastic symmetric (rotational symmetry)

4.6.5 Complete symmetry (spherical symmetry)

4.7 Elastic Moduli

4.7.1 Simple tension

4.7.2 Pure shear

4.7.3 Hydrostatics pressure

4.8 Formulation of Problems of Elasticity

4.9 Principle of Superposition

4.10 Uniqueness of Solution

4.11 Solution Approach

Problems 4

Chapter 5 Some Elementary Problems

5.1 Extension of Prismatic Bars

5.2 A Column under Its Own Weight

5.3 Pure Bending of Beams

5.4 Torsion of a Shaft of Circular Cross Section

Problems 5

Chapter 6 Two-dimensional Problems

6.1 Plane Strain

6.2 Plane Stress

6.3 Connection between Plane Strain and Plane Stress

6.4 Stress Function Formulation

6.5 Plane Problems in Cartesian Coordinates

6.5.1 Polynomial solutions

6.5.2 Product solutions

6.6 Plane Problems in Polar Coordinates

6.6.1 Basic equations in polar coordinates

6.6.2 Stress function in polar coordinates

6.6.3 Problems with axial symmetry

6.6.4 Problems without axial symmetry

6.7 Wedge Problems

6.7.1 A wedge subjected to a couple at the apex

6.7.2 A wedge subjected to concentrated loads at the apex

6.7.3 A wedge subjected to uniform edge loads

6.8 Half-plane Problems

6.9 Crack Problems

Problems 6

Chapter 7 Torsion and Flexure of Prismatic Bars

7.1 Saint-Venant's Problem

7.2 Torsion of Prismatic Bars

7.2.1 Displacement formulation

7.2.2 Stress function formulation

7.2.3 Illustrative examples

7.3 Membrane Analogy

7.4 Torsion of Multiply Connected Bars

7.5 Torsion of Thin-walled Tubes

7.6 Flexure of Beams Subjected to Transverse End Loads

7.6.1 Formulation and solution

7.6.2 Illustrative examples

Problems 7

Chapter 8 Complex Variable Methods

8.1 Summary of Theory of Complex Variables

8.1.1 Complex functions

8.1.2 Some results from theory of analytic functions

8.1.3 Conformal mapping

8.2 Plane Problems of Elasticity

8.2.1 Complex formulation of two-dimensional elasticity

8.2.2 Illustrative examples

8.2.3 Complex representation with conformal mapping

8.2.4 Illustrative examples

8.3 Problems of Saint-Venant's Torsion

8.3.1 Complex formulation with eonformal mapping

8.3.2 Illustrative examples

Problems 8

Chapter 9 Three-dimensional Problems

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Displacement Potential Formulation

9.2.1 Galerkin vector

9.2.2 Papkovich-Neuber functions

9.2.3 Harmonic and biharmonic functions

9.3 Some Basic Three-dimensional Problems

9.3.1 Kelvin's problem

9.3.2 Boussinesq's problem

9.3.3 Cerruti's problem

9.3.4 Mindlin's problem

9.4 Problems in Spherical Coordinates

9.4.1 Hollow sphere under internal and external pressures

9.4.2 Spherical harmonics

9.4.3 Axisymmetric problems of hollow spheres

9.4.4 Extension of an infinite body with a spherical cavity

Problems 9

Chapter 10 Variational Principles of Elasticity and Applications

10.1 Introduction

10.1.1 The shortest distance problem

10.1.2 The body of revolution problem

10.1.3 The hrachistochrone problem (the shortest time problem)

10.2 Variation Operation

10.3 Minimization of Variational Functionals

10.4 Illustrative Examples

10.5 Principle of Virtual Work

10.6 Principle of Minimum Potential Energy

10.7 Principle of Minimum Complementary Energy

10.8 Reciprocal Theorem

10.9 Hamilton's Principle of Elastodynamics

10.10 Vibration of Beams

10.11 Bending and Stretching of Thin Plates

10.12 Equivalent Variational Problems

10.12.1 Self-adjoint ordinary differential equations

10.12.2 Self-adjoint partial differential equations

10.13 Direct Methods of Solution

10.13.1 The Ritz method

10.13.2 The Galerkin method

10.14 Illustrative Examples

10.15 Closing Remarks

Problems 10

Chapter 11 State Space Approach

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Solution of Systems of Linear Differential Equations

11.2.1 Solution of homogeneous system

11.2.2 Solution of nonhomogeneous system

11.3 State Space Formalism of Linear Elasticity

11.3.1 State variable representation of basic equations

11.3.2 Hamiltonian formulation

11.3.3 Explicit state equation and output equation

11.4 Analysis of Stress Decay in Laminates

11.5 Application to Two-dimensional Problems

11.5.1 Infinite-plane Green's function

11.5.2 Half-plane Green's functions

11.5.3 A half-plane under line load

11.5.4 Extension of infinite plate with an elliptical hole

11.6 Symplectic Characteristics of Hamiltonian System

11.6.1 Simpie and semisimple systems

11.6.2 Non-semisimple system

11.7 Application to Three-dimensional Elasticity

Problems 11


Appendix A Basic Equations in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

Appendix B Fourier Series

Appendix C Product Solution of Biharmonic Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

Appendix D Product Solution of Biharmonic Equation in Polar Coordinates

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