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设计人见人爱的产品 英文影印版 (美)斯科特 赫夫 著 2018年版

  • 大小:45.76 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:产品设计
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:影印   英文   斯科特   设计人   产品
设计人见人爱的产品 英文影印版
作者:(美)斯科特 赫夫 著
Chapter 1 Why Products Exist
What's Product Design?
Product Design's Heritage
Why the History Matters
What the History Tells Us
So What?
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Do This Now
Interview: Keenan Cummings
Chapter 2 How to Create Products People Want
Avoiding Ego-First Development
What Does a Product Designer Do?
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Do This Now
Interview: Amy Hoy and Alex Hillman
Chapter3 What Are We Building Here?
Defining What to Build
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Do This Now
Interview: Sahil Lavingia
Chapter 4 User Interfaces Begin with Words
Really? Start with Words?
Creating User Flows
Writing Your Screens
Traits of Good Interface Copy
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Do This Now
Interview: Jon Troutman
Chapter 5 Tangible Trumps Theoretical
Prototypes: Worth 1,000 Mockups
Bigger Than a Buzzword
Goals of Prototyping
Readying for Consumption
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Do This Now
Interview: Pauly Ting
Chapter 6 The Mechanics of Interface Design
The Push and Pull of Prototypes Versus Pixel Perfection
The UI Stack: Five States of Interface Design
Ergonomics: Thumb Zones and Tap Targets
Cross-Platform Design
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Do This Now
Interview: Diogenes Brito
Chapter 7 The Psychology of an Experience
Products and Psychology
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Do This Now
Interview: Jonathan Badeen
Interview: Josh Brewer
Chapter 8 Interpreting Feedback and Leveling Up Your Product
It's a Creative Journey, After All
Leveling Up
Don't Squander Your Gains
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Do This Now
Interview: Ruby Anaya
Chapter 9 Shipping Is an Art-and a Science
The Invention Versus the Manufactured Article
It's Ready When It's Ready
Being Chief of Everything.
Interview: Josh Elman
Interview: Cat Noone
Appendix: Further Reading
About the Author
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