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壮语常见植物的命名与分类 蒙元耀 著 2006年版

  • 大小:20.67 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:生物学书籍
  • 更新日期:2023-10-30
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:壮语   常见   命名   分类   植物
作者:蒙元耀 著
出版时间: 2006年版
Chapter 1 Introduction
 1.1 Aims and Scope of This Book
 1.2 Theoretical Foundations
 1.3 Early History, the Language and Its Speakers, and Geographic Setting  1.4 Zhuang Cultural Beliefs
 1.5 Zhuang Botanical Studies: A Brief Overview
 1.6 Fieldwork
 1.7 Structure of the Book
Chapter 2 Zhuang Ethnobotanical Nomenclature: Preliminaries
 2.1 The Names of Main Parts of Plants
 2.2 Major Categories in Zhuang Ethobotanical Classification
 2.3 The Structure of Plant Names in Zhuang
 2.4 The Emergence of Plant Nomenclatures in Zhuang
 2.5 Ranks in Zhuang Botanical Taxonomy
 2.6 Comparative Perspective
 2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Farming and Food
 3.1 The Historical Background of Zhuang Agriculture
 3.2 The Seasons of the Farming Year as Expressed in Song
 3.3 Phenology and Farming
 3.4 Cultivation Methods of the Zhuang People
 3.5 The Zhuang People's Food
 3.6 Cultural Values Represented by Food
 3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Grains and Other Crops in Zhuang Areas
 4.1 Cereal Crops
 4.2 Edible Root Tuber Plants
 4.3 Woody Grains
 4.4 Oil Plants
 4.5 Fibre Plants
 4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Vegetables
 5.1 Categorization of Vegetables
 5.2 Medicinal and Other Uses of Vegetables
 5.3 Cultural Relationship as Seen from Vegetables' Names
 5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Poisonous and Medicinal Plants
 6.1. Poisonous Herbaceous Plants
 6.2 Poisonous Vines
 6.3 Poisonous Xylophytous Plants
 6.4 The Zhuang People's Clever Use of Poison
 6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Special Plants
 7.1 Rare Tree Species
 7.2 Plants with Economic Value
 7.3 Plants with Special Uses
 7.4 Summary
Chapter 8 Bamboo
 8.1 Common Types of Bamboo in Zhuang Areas
 8.2 Common Bamboo Artifacts
 8.3 An Elaborated Bamboo Culture
 8.4 Summary
Chapter 9 Conclusion
 9.1 Review of Findings
 9.2 Future Directions
Appendix 1 The Sounds ofMashan Zhuang
Appendix 2 Zhuang Songs
Appendix 3 The Story of the Snail Girl
Appendix 4 Table of Plant Names
Appendix 5 Figures
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