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变分法(原书第四版 英文版)[(瑞士)斯特沃 著] 2012年版

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变分法(原书第四版 英文版)
作者:(瑞士)斯特沃 著
Chapter I.the direct methods in the calculus of variations
1.lower semi-continuity
degenerate elliptic equations
-minimal partitioning hypersurfaces
-minimal hypersurfaces in riemannian manifolds
-a general lower semi-continuity result
semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
-perron's method in a variational guise
-the classical plateau problem
3.compensated compactness
applications in elasticity
-convergence results for nonlinear elliptic equations
-hardy space methods
4.the concentration-compactness principle
existence of extremal functions for sobolev embeddings
5.ekeland's variational principle
existence of minimizers for quasi-convex functionals
hamiltonian systems
-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations
7.minimization problems depending on parameters
harmonic maps with singularities
Chapter Ⅱ.minimax methods
1.the finite dimensional case
2.the palais-smale condition
3.a general deformation lemma
pseudo-gradient flows on banach spaces
-pseudo-gradient flows on manifolds
4.the minimax principle
closed geodesics on spheres
5.index theory
krasnoselskii genus
-minimax principles for even functional
-applications to semilinear elliptic problems
-general index theories
-ljusternik-schnirelman category
-a geometrical si-index
-multiple periodic orbits of hamiltonian systems
6.the mountain pass lemma and its variants
applications to semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
-the symmetric mountain pass lemma
-application to semilinear equa- tions with symmetry
7.perturbation theory
applications to semilinear elliptic equations
applications to semilinear elliptic equations
-applications to hamil- tonian systems
9.parameter dependence
10.critical points of mountain pass type
multiple solutions of coercive elliptic problems
11.non-differentiable fhnctionals
12.ljnsternik-schnirelman theory on convex sets
applications to semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
Chapter Ⅲ.Limit cases of the palais-smale condition
1.pohozaev's non-existence result
2.the brezis-nirenberg result
constrained minimization
-the unconstrained case: local compact- ness
-multiple solutions
3.the effect of topology
a global compactness result, 184 -positive solutions on annular-shaped regions, 190
4.the yamabe problem
the variational approach
-the locally conformally flat case
-the yamabe flow
-the proof of theorem4.9 (following ye [1])
-convergence of the yamabe flow in the general case
-the compact case ucc
-bubbling: the casu
5.the dirichlet problem for the equation of constant mean curvature
small solutions
-the volume functional
- wente's uniqueness result
-local compactness
-large solutions
6.harmonic maps of riemannian surfaces
the euler-lagrange equations for harmonic maps
-bochner identity
-the homotopy problem and its functional analytic setting
-existence and non-existence results
-the heat flow for harmonic maps
-the global existence result
-the proof of theorem 6.6
-finite-time blow-up
-reverse bubbling and nonuniqueness
appendix a
sobolev spaces
-hslder spaces
-imbedding theorems
-density theorem
-trace and extension theorems
-poincar4 inequality
appendix b
schauder estimates
-weak solutions
-maximum principle
-weak maximum principle
appendix c
frechet differentiability
-natural growth conditions
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