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线性代数及其在规划中的应用 英文版 郭树里,韩丽娜主编 2017年版

  • 大小:22.79 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:数学书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-04-19
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关键词:规划   线性代数
线性代数及其在规划中的应用 英文版
Part Ⅰ
Chapter 1 Background and Fundamentals of Mathematics
1.1 Basic Concepts
1.2 Relations
1.3 Functions
1.4 The Integers
1.4.1 Long Division
1.4.2 Relatively Prime
1.4.3 Prime
1.4.4 The Unique Factorization Theorem
Chapter 2 Groups
2.1 Groups
2.2 Subgroups
2.3 Normal Subgroups
2.4 Homomorphisms
2.5 Permutations
2.6 Product of Groups
Chapter 3 Rings
3.1 Commutative Rings
3.2 Units
3.3 The Integers Mod N
3.4 Ideals and Quotient Rings
3.5 Homomorphism
3.6 Polynomial Rings
3.6.1 The Division Algorithm
3.6.2 Associate
3.7 Product of Rings
3.8 Characteristic
3.9 Boolean Rings
Chapter 4 Matrices and Matrix Rings
4.1 Elementary Operations and Elementary Matrices
4.2 Systems of Equations
4.3 Determinants
4.4 Similarity
Part Ⅱ
Chapter 5 Vector Spaces
5.1 The Axioms for a Vector Space
5.2 Linear Independence,Dimension,and Basis
5.3 Intersection,Sum and Direct Sum of Subspaces
5.4 Factor Space
5.5 Inner Product Spaces
5.6 Orthonormal Bases and Orthogonal Complements
5.7 Reciprocal Basis and Change of Basis
Chapter 6 Linear Transformations
6.1 Definition of Linear Transformation
6.2 Sums and Products of Liner Transformations
6.3 Special Types of Linear Transformations
6.4 The Adjoint of a Linear Transformation
6.5 Component Formulas
Chapter 7 Determinants And Matrices
7.1 The Generalized Kronecker Deltas and the Summation Convention
7.2 Determinants
7.3 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
7.4 Solution of Systems of Linear Equation
7.5 Special Matrices
Chapter 8 Spectral Decompositions
8.1 Direct Sum of Endomorphisms
8.2 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
8.3 The Characteristic Polynomial
8.4 Spectral Decomposition for Hermitian Endomorphisms
8.5 Illustrative Examples
8.6 The Minimal Polynomial
8.7 Spectral Decomposition for Arbitrary Endomorphisms
Chapter 9 Tensor Algebra
9.1 Linear Functions,the Dual Space
9.2 The Second Dual Space, Canonical Isomorphisms
Part Ⅲ
Chapter 10 Linear Programming
10.1 Basic Properties of Linear Programs
10.2 Many Computational Procedures to Simplex Method
10.3 Duality
10.3.1 Dual Linear Programs
10.3.2 The Duality Theorem
10.3.3 Relations to the Simplex Procedure
10.4 Interior-point Methods
10.4.1 Elements of Complexity Theory
10.4.2 The Analytic Center
10.4.3 The Central Path
10.4.4 Solution Strategies
Chapter 11 Unconstrained Problems
11.1 Transportation and Network Flow Problems
11.1.1 The Transportation Problem
11.1.2 The Northwest Comer Rule
11.1.3 Basic Network Concepts
11.1.4 Maximal Flow
11.2 Basic Properties of Solutions and Algorithms
11.2.1 First-order Necessary Conditions
11.2.2 Second-order Conditions
11.2.3 Minimization and Maximization of Convex Functions
11.2.4 Zeroth-order Conditions
11.2.5 Global Convergence of Descent Algorithms
11.2.6 Speed of Convergence
11.3 Basic Descent Methods
11.3.1 Fibonacci and Golden Section Search
11.3.2 Closedness of Line Search Algorithms
11.3.3 Line Search
11.3.4 The Steepest Descent Method
11.3.5 Coordinate Descent Methods
11.4 Conjugate Direction Methods
11.4.1 Conjugate Directions
11.4.2 Descent Properties of the Conjugate Direction Method
11.4.3 The Conjugate Gradient Method
11.4.4 The C -G Method as an Optimal Process
Chapter 12 Constrained Minimization
12.1 Quasi-Newton Methods
12.1.1 Modified Newton Method
12.1.2 Scaling
12.1.3 Memoryless Quasi-Newton Methods
12.2 Constrained Minimization Conditions
12.2.1 Constraints
12.2.2 Tangent Plane
12.2.3 First-order Necessary Conditions ( Equality Constraints)
12.2.4 Second-order Conditions
12.2.5 Eigenvalues in Tangent Subspace
12.2.6 Inequality Constraints
12.2.7 Zeroth-order Conditions and Lagrange Multipliers
12.3 Primal Methods
12.3.1 Feasible Direction Methods
12.3.2 Active Set Methods
12.3.3 The Gradient Projection Method
12.3.4 Convergence Rate of the Gradient Projection Method
12.3.5 The Reduced Gradient Method
12.4 Penalty and Barrier Methods
12.4.1 Penalty Methods
12.4.2 Barrier Methods
12.4.3 Properties of Penalty and Barrier Functions
12.5 Dual and Cutting Plane Methods
12.5. 1 Global Duality
12.5.2 Local Duality
12.5.3 Dual Canonical Convergence Rate
12.5.4 Separable Problems
12.5.5 Decomposition
12.5.6 The Dual Viewpoint
12.5.7 Cutting Plane Methods
12.5.8 Kelley' s Convex Cutting Plane Algorithm
12.5.9 Modifications
12.6 Primal-dual Methods
12.6.1 The Standard Problem
12.6.2 Strategies
12.6.3 A Simple Merit Function
12.6.4 Basic Primal-dual Methods
12.6.5 Modified Newton Methods
12.6.6 Descent Properties
12.6.7 Interior Point Methods
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