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小空间设计系列 咖啡厅

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小空间设计系列 咖啡厅
丛编项: 小空间设计系列
  小空间设计系列共包括5 个分册,即《服饰店》《咖啡厅》《甜品店》《餐厅》和《美妆店》,旨在探索小型商业空间发展现状和未来趋势、设计要素以及设计技巧。《甜品店》主要讲述了如何利用有限的空间设计出风格独特、魅力十足、注重顾客体验的空间。本书收录了25 个小面积甜品店设计案例。在这里,可以找到仅有20 平方米的粉色公主风的糖果店,看设计师如何帮助店主实现理想中的“公主梦”;还可以找到30 平方米的诱人巧克力店,看设计师如何让空间在视觉上散发出诱人的“巧克力香”;当然,这里还有自然清 新风的甜甜圈店,看设计师如何打造出可以“吃”的空间……本书总结出25 条设计技巧,旨在为设计师带来设计灵感,理解甜品店设计要素,为客户打造完美的设计,同时也能够让即将或已经是小小甜品店店主的读者了解何种设计能够更吸引顾客的光临。
TRAITOR ZHOU’s How to insert a simple but yet elaborated functional program into a very small spaceTraitor Zhou’s咖啡厅如何在极小的空间内打造简约、精致、实用的设计
Fumi How to celebrate coffee’s intangible pleasures by designing a visible spaceFUMI咖啡厅如何通过有形的空间来传递咖啡带来的无限喜悦
RUMORS CaféHow to renovate a small coffee shop with good reputation鲁马滋咖啡馆如何改造一家有知名度的咖啡店
Flipboard Cafe How to renovate a small coffee shop without dull 菲利波咖啡馆如何把一个小咖啡厅改造得不那么单调
SUB-STATION CAFE How to design a popular coffee shop in a heritage building
seewant coffee How to design a fast-paced, professional and intimate coffee shop for business people囍旺咖啡如何为商业人士设计一间快速、专业、亲切的咖啡馆
Meow Parlour How to design a whimsy coffee shop both for human and cats猫咪咖啡厅如何设计人类与猫咪和谐共存的咖啡厅
Wong Kar WineHow to create Asian atmosphere for a coffee shop within a limited spaceWKW咖啡厅如何在小型咖啡厅中营造亚洲风情
Casca How to create harmony between graphic design and the interior in a limited space卡斯卡咖啡厅如何在有限的空间内实现平面设计与室内设计的融合
Dallah How to reflect the traditional inherent in the form and act of a brand coffee shop杜拉咖啡厅如何在咖啡厅中体现传统文化
Madera Cafe How to realise a coffee shop with a mix of fond memories and creative designMadera咖啡厅如何在咖啡厅中融合美好的回忆与创意的设计
knob café’ How to portray the contradictory reality of the urbanscape within the physical confines of a coffee shop挂钩咖啡厅如何在咖啡厅中体现都市环境的矛盾现实
Voyager EspressoHow to integrate an artistic and scientific approach in the design of small coffee shop航海家咖啡厅如何在小型咖啡厅的设计中融入科学与艺术 The Blue Cup coffee shop How to express more spirit information in a small coffee shop蓝杯咖啡厅如何在小型咖啡厅中表达更多的内容
Kyoto How to explain a foreign culture in a small coffee shop京都咖啡厅如何在一家小型咖啡厅中表现外国文化
SONOMA CAFE Howto made a coffee shop to be a local hot spot in a bustling street(与内文中的标题不同,改正内页)索诺玛咖啡厅如何成为一条繁华商业街上的焦点
TOKYO TEYHow to give the modern meaning of traditional food in a limited space东京TEY寿司店如何在有限的空间内赋予传统食品现代的意义
SHOT How to create an intricate interior that reflects the high level of detail the clients put into their productSHOT咖啡厅如何打造精致的室内空间,体现出咖啡厅对食品的高品位要求
Wells Café 井井咖啡 How to create a fresh and natural café如何打造一间充满清新、自然氛围的咖啡厅
Tartela How to create a space where people from the street can enjoy their creations with a good cup of coffee塔泰拉咖啡厅如何打造一家街边时尚咖啡店,让顾客边喝咖啡边欣赏店内设计
Café showroom 博物馆咖啡厅How to combine a coffee shop and gallery together into one space
Travelled 9000 km How to help the client to design a space combined with his passion of pastry and the daily chore of laundry穿越九千公里交给你——洗衣咖啡复合店如何将店主对甜品的热情与洗衣的杂务事相结合
JULIETA, PAN&CAFÉ How to build an atmosphere of honest and homely spirit胡列塔面包咖啡店如何营造一种平凡却可信赖的氛围
Stock CoffeeHow to transform a former retail space into a coffee shopStock咖啡厅如何将零售店改造成咖啡厅 Paras Cafe How to build a leisure and fresh space in an urban and rural areaPARAS咖啡厅如何在城乡结合部打造清新的休闲空间
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