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机电专业英语 [刘建武 主编]

  • 大小:42.97 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:机械书籍
推荐:升级会员 无限下载,节约时间成本!
关键词:机电   主编   英语   专业   建武
出版时间: 2014

Part 1 Fundamentals of Manufacturing
Unit 1 Classification of Materials
Unit 2 Metals
Unit 3 Heat Treatmeht
Unit 4 Forming
Reading Material 1 Hot Working of Metals
Translation Skill
Part 2 Machine Design
Unit 5 Lathes
Uuit 6 Couplings,Clutches,Shafts,Spring and Threaded fastener
Unit 7 Milling
Unit 8 Machine Designed
Reading Material 2 Machine Elements
Translation Skill
Part 3 Electronic Technology
Unit 9 Electrical Machines
Unit 10 Electrician Technology
Unit 11 Electron Technology
Unit 12 Automatic Control Systems
Reading Material 3 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Elevators
Translation Skills
Part 4 Mechatronics Technique
Unit 13 Mechatronics
Unit 14 Introduction to AT89S
Unit 15 Programmable Logic Controllers
Unit 16 Electrical Engineering
Reading Material 4 Circuit of the MP4 Player
Translation Skills
Part 5 Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Unit 17 Computer Numerical Control
Unit 18 Machine Vision
Unit 19 Computer-aided Manufacturing
Unit 20 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Reading Material 5 Industrial Robots
Translation Skill
Appendix 1 常用专业词汇
Appendix 2 Tables of Weights and Measures
Appendix 3 Internation Unit System
Appendix 4 Prefixes Forming Units of Decimal
Multiples and Fractions
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