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凝聚态物质 英文影印版 [(美)马汉 著] 2013年版

  • 大小:115.34 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:物理学书籍
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关键词:影印   英文   凝聚   物质   马汉
凝聚态物质 英文影印版
作者:(美)马汉 著
出版时间: 2013年版
  This book is a text for a graduate course in material science, condensed matter physics, or solid state physics. The student is expected to have taken previous courses in quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory. No prior knowledge or course in condensed matter physics is required.The earlier chapters introduce basic concepts, such as crystal structures, energy-band theory, phonons, and types of crystal binding. Intermediate chapters discuss the basic features of transport and optical properties of solids. later chapters discuss current research topics, such as magnetism, superconductivity, and nanoscience. There is an extensive treatment of metals, from the viewpoints of free electrons, tight binding, and strong correlations. There is an extensive discussion of semiconductors, from the viewpoints of both intrinsic, and then extrinsic properties. A11 chapters except the first have homework problems. These problems have been worked by a generation of students.
1 Introduction
1.1 1900-1910
1.2 Crystal Growth
1.3 Materials by Design
1.4 Artificial Structures
2 Crystal Structures
2.1 Lattice Vectors
2.2 Reciprocal Lattice Vectors
2.3 Two Dimensions
2.4 Three Dimensions
2.5 Compounds
2.6 Measuring Crystal Structures
2.6.1 X-ray Scattering
2.6.2 Electron Scattering
2.6.3 Neutron Scattering
2.7 Structure Factor
2.9 Optical Lattices
3 Energy Bands
3.1 Bloch's Theorem
3.1.1 Floquet's Theorem
3.2 Nearly Free Electron Bands
3.2.1 Periodic Potentials
3.3 Tight-binding Bands
3.3.1 s-State Bands
3.3.2 p-State Bands
3.3.3 Wannier Funct:ions
3.4 Semiconductor Energy Bands
3.4.1 What Is a Semiconductor?
3.4.2 Si, Ge, GaAs
3.4.3 HgTe and CdTe
3.4.4 kp Theory
3.4.5 Electron Veloaty
3.5 Density of States
3.5.1 Dynamical Mean Field Theo
3.6 Pseudopotentials
3.7 Measurement of Energy Bands
3.7.1 Cydotron Resonance
3.7.2 Synchrotron Band Mapping
4 Insulators
4.1 Rare Gas Solids
4.2 Ionic Crystals
4.2.1 Madelung energy
4.2.2 Polarization Interactions
4.2.3 Van der Waals Interaction
4.2.4 lonic Radii
4.2.5 Repulsive Energy
4.2.6 Phonons
4.3 Dielectric Screening
4.3.1 Dielectric Function
4.3.2 Polarizabilities
4.4 Ferroelectrics
4.4.1 Microscopic Theory
4.4.2 Thermodynamics
4.4.3 SrTi03
4.4.4 BaTi03
5 Free Electron Metals
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Free Electrons
5.2.1 Electron Density
5.2.2 Density of States
5.2.3 Nonzero Temperatures
5.2.4 Two Dimensions
6 Electron-EleCtron Interactions
7 Phonons
8 Boson Systems
9 Electron-Phonon Interactions
10 Extrinsic Semiconductors
11 Transport Phenomena
12 Optical Properties
13 Magnetism
14 Superconductivity
15 Nanometer Physics
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